In the part of the world all you have to do is walk out the front door and you will find pollen. It is on the cars, outdoor furniture, deck floors, etc. But our challenge was to find a flower that had pollen in it. The irises in our front yard were full of pollen and easy to photograph. Another part of the challenge was to try and take a photo of an insect on a flower helping with pollination. We came very close but the bumble bee flew away. Grace did sketch a flower with a bee attached for her nature journal as well as the above photo of the iris. We were also instructed to add any new garden flowers to our journal. The photos below are of the two flowers Grace picked out a few weeks ago that she wanted to be only hers.

I wanted to add in the picture of our butterfly bush. It has been three years since we planted this and it is the first year it has bloomed. I am so thrilled. I love the fragrance of a butterfly bush. Also it will come in very handy when we release our painted lady butterflies in a week or so.

Gerbera Daisy
Gerbera jamesonii 
Dahlinova Dahlia
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