Thursday, December 31, 2009
Cabbage Patch Land
Monday, December 28, 2009
After Christmas Fun
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Another Trip to Emory
Today was my mom's first chemo treatment which is part of a clinical trail. It is not traditional chemo, in that, she probably won't loose her hair or be sick alot. Hopefully we will only be looking at fatigue. It was a long day. The cancer center at Emory was packed today. The hospital was trying to get everyone's treatments in that usually take 5 days of the week in only three days because of the holidays. Luckily, being part of the clinical kind of has its perks. If you can even think along those lines with chemo. Anyone participating in the clinical is infused in a seperate area away from everyone else. Each patient gets their own flat screen TV to watch while infusion is taking place, and our infusion only takes 45 minutes. But, since this was our first time we were there from 9:20 until 2:00. I am thinking the following times will not be so long. We will have to go every week for almost six months. Infusion is four weeks on and two weeks off for rest. The nurses were very nice, helpful, and funny. The traffic coming back home was awful. We have a 1 1/2 hour drive home from Emory. Because of two accidents and people leaving town for the holidays it took us 2 hours and 15 minutes. Of course we did stop halfway home for a milkshake.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
One thing I have been very intrigued about lately is simplicity. Living a simple life. Getting back to the basics. I have come across alot of blogs lately of families doing just that. But trying to find out what "the simple life" for our family means is another question. There are some things in life I really like and are maybe not quite ready to do away with. I like going out to eat. So shoot me. I do like the idea of growing some of our own food, raising chickens and goats. We only have one acre of land - so ideas will have to be limited. I like the idea of homemade gifts and have done that off and on for many years. I love to bake. And sometimes even cook. lol. So I guess I will continue researching and looking and dreaming. I would like to mention as I have mentioned before that I also dream of one day traveling in a RV around the United States. There is so much I have not seen and want to see. Again how do you make that work. How do you support yourself. How do you leave with three dogs and two cats in an RV. Ha Ha. And of course if you get those goats and chickens, what then. Lots to think about. I really want to do some things different in this new year. Just don't know what that is yet.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Yesterday went by so fast. Church was in the morning. We came home and ate a light lunch then started in on cleaning the house. My house has been neglected the past few weeks due to Willy Wonka Mania. Later in the afternoon we met my family at Longhorns for dinner. My dad treated us all to a great dinner. After dinner we headed over to my sister's house and play cards for a couple of hours. Grace went to a friend's house for a planned sleepover. Since Grace wasn't at home last night I caught up on alot of TV that I haven't been watching and some reading. When Grace came home this morning she informed me that they stayed up until 5:00 this morning and then slept till about 10. She has been moping around most of the day because she is so tired. But she won't lay down to nap. We read a couple of chapters from our Christmas book and may do some more later. I think tonight is going to be an early night for us all, unless she wants to stay up and watch our normal Monday night of Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Lunch with a Friend
Today was fun. Out with a friend for lunch(just Blimpies) and off to the used book store for two hours of looking and choosing. Lots of good conversation. I got a couple of drawing books, three chapter books, and one on country living. Went out to dinner tonight with a gift card that was given to us. Tonight on the agenda is constructing a gingerbread house and watch A Christmas Carol.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Art Blog
I just stumbled upon a blog that I need to share. It has many art ideas including many Christmas ideas. Go visit You will be so glad you did.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Lots Going on
Monday, December 14, 2009
Back to Business
Yesterday was our last performance of Willy Wonka. Grace also performed in the Christmas play at our church yesterday morning. Needless to say, yesterday was a bit crazy. Actually the past week was a bit crazy. Last week we only got to do book work on Monday. So today was back to business. We had alot to catch up on. I haven't reported on our workboxes in quite a while so here was today workboxes:
- Bible
- Math - Fractions
- Daily Math Adventures
- Read one chapter from The Family Under the Bridge with a written narration and some study of France.
- Drawing Lesson
- Finished chapter of insect life cycles in our Zoology book.
- Proverbs Bible Study
- Independent reading for 30 minutes.
- Typing for 15 minutes.
- Spelling
- Read one chapter from The Cabin Faced West and a book about how Native Americans gathered their food and what kinds of food they ate.
Tonight it has been lots of computer time and reading. Waiting for Diners, Driveins, and Dives to come on then off to bed. Tomorrow will be another busy day.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Willy Wonka

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Food Pantry
Every month me and Grace help with our church's food pantry. This month we all wanted to do something a little more special for the families that came to the pantry. We collected toys to hand out as well as bags of fruit and bags of goodies to go along with the box of food. Every food pantry day is busy but this one was crazy! We open at 10 but had people waiting at 9:15. By the time we actually started there was about 30 people waiting to get in. Each family/person has to talk to a counselor before getting their box. We simply ask how they are doing, if they have any problems, and ask to pray with them. We handed out 104 boxes and actually ran out of food before our closing time. That is a first for us. I think in the future we may have to make more boxes. It is such a blessing to be able to work there and many of the same people return each month so you get to know them. It is also a very humbling experience to see so many families with so little.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
This Week
This week we are trying to just keep our head above the water line. I'm not kidding! Monday was the only day we were able to get any book work done. Here is how the rest of the week is playing out:
Tuesday - Choir, art, and three hour Willy Wonka practice. Late afternoon included preparation for this months food pantry distribution.
Wednesday - Food pantry from 10 - 1, then Willy Wonka practice from 3 - 5, then Christmas play practice at church 7 - 8.
Thursday - Choir, art, and Willy Wonka practice. Willy Wonka performance tonight.
Friday - Willy Wonkay afternoon performance.
Saturday - Christmas play practice 10 - 12, dinner at a friends in the afternoon.
Sunday - Church, then final Willy Wonka performance in the afternoon.
Did you get all that. I will put posts for each of these a little later.
Ah, the Christmas Season.
Tuesday - Choir, art, and three hour Willy Wonka practice. Late afternoon included preparation for this months food pantry distribution.
Wednesday - Food pantry from 10 - 1, then Willy Wonka practice from 3 - 5, then Christmas play practice at church 7 - 8.
Thursday - Choir, art, and Willy Wonka practice. Willy Wonka performance tonight.
Friday - Willy Wonkay afternoon performance.
Saturday - Christmas play practice 10 - 12, dinner at a friends in the afternoon.
Sunday - Church, then final Willy Wonka performance in the afternoon.
Did you get all that. I will put posts for each of these a little later.
Ah, the Christmas Season.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Decorations
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Church Happenings This Weekend

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Crazy Busy Day!
It was such a long day. Started off with chorus and handicrafts. Made cupcakes with roses on top. After lunch was a three hour long practice for Willy Wonka. Did I mention we perform next week. Yikes!!!!!!! Lots of work still to do. Had to go to Wally World after practice and picked up needed supplies (chips, sweets, bread, dog food). Really not needed just wanted. Except for the dogs, they would probably put the dog food in the needed column. Anywho, after Wal-mart went to McDonalds for dinner and over to my parents house. Needed to cut my dads hair. Back home then at 7:00. Did I mention we had been gone since 9:45 in the morning. Needless to say no school work got done today. Grace is reading right now but that is about it. But as any unschooler or relaxed homeschooler would tell you, she did have school today, just maybe not the 3 R's. Which I totally agree with. Now off to some much needed rest, but first I am going to crochet and read for awhile. Not at the same time of course.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
What We've Been Doing

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