Saturday, April 30, 2011
No More Margarine
Senior High: A Homeschool Design Formula
With the end of the school year drawing near I decided to put some books on hold at the library for me. Each summer I try to read and sometimes reread some of the best homeschooling books. This year I decided to focus on books dealing with planning a high school homeschool education. As I have mentioned before, I really don't want to do your traditional highschool cookie cutter schedule of classes. I would like to do subjects/classes that Grace will really find an interest in and if I can make them fit into a transcript that a college may like more the better. Not sure which direction will be taken at this point (delight directed learning, life skills, Christian unschooling, etc.) but I feel strongly that God is leading us down some new path. Even though Senior High: A Homeschool Design Formula was written in the early 90's and the credits needed to enter college have increased, it is still a good read. Here is something from the book that really stuck with me. The 7 pillars of education mentioned in the book could cover most items you want your child to learn/know before going out in the world. Does your average person really need to know all the higher learning maths and sciences. Once I finish alot of these books I will report back with my findings. I am sure that some of the homeschool families I am close with might think I have lost my mind. But unless something big changes in the next couple of years I think this is where we are headed in our studies.
Wisdom's 7 Pillars of Education
Wisdom's 7 Pillars of Education
- Revelation of the knowledge of God and His will
- Closer relationship with God
- Preparation for roles in life
- Preparation for specific life calling/purpose
- Character development
- Basic foundation of knowledge to function in society
- Equip with tools to learn for life
More of Grace's Creations
Friday, April 29, 2011
Odds and Ends

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Crazy Chickens
Tonight we left home for the first church softball game of the year. We won by the way 25 - 10. Anywho when we left at 7:15 their were two hens in nesting boxes. We had already received three eggs for the day so wasn't really expecting much more. Low and behold when we arrived back home at 9:15 three hens were in nesting boxes. Nice and cozy for the night. Or should I say nice and BROODY for the night. Luckily Betty the last hen that was broody was not one of the bunch. So now I have to go through the process of getting three chickens out of the boxes off and on throughout the day. With Betty it took her about two weeks to get her act back together. I hope the other three don't do the same thing. If they all stop laying for two week I will be buying eggs. This is why we bought the 6 new hen chicks. Need more eggs, especially when you have broody hens.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
It's a Chicken Zoo
Monday, April 25, 2011
Atlanta Zoo
I Love Getting Packages
Our First Harvest
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Saturday + Sunshine = Nature Study
2nd Annual Journey to Jerusalem

Friday, April 22, 2011
The Day of Spending Money
I feel like money is always running through my fingers. I am not referring to silly stuff. Just everyday necessities that a family may need. Okay maybe they are necessities to us and not to other folks. Today was the day of errands. 20.00 at the feed store, food for the chickens. 15.00 at the produce store (did I mention this was the second visit this week). My family goes through fruit like there is no tomorrow. Another 20.00 at dollar general for dog food, cat litter, soda (don't hate me), and deodorant. Art store for yet another sketch book for Grace and 5 new colored pencils which came to 17.00. Grace can easily go through two sketch books a month and we are slowly building up her colored pencil collection of the really good stuff. Once a month I let her pick out 3-5 different colors to add to her collection. I still need to get gas on the way back to church tonight which will be another 25.00. So if anyone was keeping up that came to 97.00 Ouch! I think this weekend will be a go no where weekend, don't even set foot in the car, except for church on Sunday. It is the only way I can insure that we spend nothing.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Thinking Outside of the Box
Over the past couple of days I have been reading a book, "Homeschooling the Teen Years", and it really has me thinking. Plus we had a playdate yesterday with a close friend that leans more towards unschooling or at least a very relaxed schooling. It has made my brain really push the limits of the average thinking about higher math and science in the high school years. We started down this path of homeschooling to do it differently than public school. We wanted the chance to pursue Grace's passions and strengths. Once you get to about 8th grade you start feeling the pressure to do all the subjects just like public school and really you don't have too. If your child is planning on attending college that college should be contacted and asked what type of maths and sciences will be approved for admission. In the book I am reading it gave some really great alternatives for science other than what everyone else is doing, i.e. chemistry and physics. Some of the alternatives might be: entomology, agri-science, marine biology, botany, astronomy, microscopy, geology, paleontology, herpetology and meteorology. These are just a few of the other sciences out there, especially for kids that won't be attending college or will be attending college but not with a science focus. I feel like we decided to home school to do something different and if we are going to do something different we should not copy everyone else just because that is how it is always done. Thinking outside of the box is not a bad thing.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Playing Around with a Weekly Schedule for Next Year
I know it is really too early to be planning this, but I really enjoy it. Also it helps me from scheduling too many subjects for the new year. Whenever I start planning I tend to want to teach too many things.
Mondays - Bible, History, Literature, Math, Science, Grammar, Written Narration, Poetry, Tone Chimes Class
Tuesdays - Bible, History, Literature, Math, Nature Study, Personal Development, Grammar, Poetry, Drama Class, Spanish Class
Wednesday - Bible, History, Literature, Math, Science, Greek, Vocabulary, Written Narration, Spelling, Picture Study
Thursdays - Bible, History, Literature, Math, Science, Greek, Vocabulary, Composer Study, Spanish Class
Fridays - Bible, History, Literature, Math, Science, Greek, Vocabulary, Written Narration, Spelling
Viewing God's Handiwork
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Another Morning At The Garden

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
I didn't get to see the first season of this show but did get to view the first episode of the new season. This season Jamie is in Los Angles hoping to change people's attitudes about food. What is good to eat, what is bad to eat. He focuses alot on what children are being feed in their school cafeterias and the fast food business. I hope to be able to follow along through this season. Lots of great information. The one section of the first episode that stuck in my mind was his demonstration about how most ground beef in America is processed. Not only that, but that the USDA doesn't feel it is necessary to label on the meat how much ammonia the beef is washed in. That was a real eye opener for me. Jamie said the only real way you can know that you are getting real ground beef is to watch the butcher put it in the grinder and grind it in front of you. I have to admit that our family eats alot of red meat. It is the cheapest thing available. But I think I will need to rethink what types of meat I feed my family and where I get my ground beef from. Some of our favorite meals (tacos, spaghetti, hamburgers) require ground beef and I'm sorry but the rest of my family is just not going to tolerate ground turkey, etc. Although we did eat some ground venison mixed with ground beef in the past couple of months. Mostly we liked it as hamburgers. I am pondering finding a somewhat local source for ground beef and buy in larger quantities.This next tidbit of information is for my friend Kelly, because she will really get a kick our of it. Still working on my hubby about the meatless meals thing. One night this last week we had cheese ravioli, salad, and bread. He immediately went to the fridge to pull out some leftover taco and was going to try it on the pasta because he felt he needed the meat in his dish. I asked him to put the meat back and try the meal as prepared. He did admit after eating that he did feel full and satisfied. Hopefully he won't ever read this. I thought it was kind of comical.
It Always Comes Back to Charlotte Mason
This coming school year will be our sixth year of homeschooling. Most of the five years we have used the Charlotte Mason methods to accomplish our daily learning adventures. The one website of information that I have always used and always gone back to is This past year we did stray a little bit in the history and science department. Grace was just causing too much grief about writing narrations. We switched to some unit studies and hands on approach for science since January and The Story of the World for history with the test booklet. She has done well with these changes. I will continue to do unit studies, hands on, and lap books for science because I do not feel she is ready as of yet for the Apologia books for higher science, maybe in 8th grade. Also we have strayed away from nature study, picture study, and composer study. All of that will change for the beginning of her 7th grade year. We are going back to our original plan of using the curriculum guide at Simply Charlotte Mason. I still feel that this will provide the best well rounded education possible for Grace in a very gentle way. Writing has gotten easier for her and I think we will get better with the written narrations, just need to keep plugging away. So I think below will be our final choices for the new school year:
- Math - Teaching Textbooks
- Language arts - Spelling Through Copywork, Poetry, Vocabulary, Easy Grammar
- Personal Development - Beautiful Girlhood with companion book
- Foreign Language - Continue work with Greek but also taking a conversational Spanish class
- History/Bible - Genesis Through Deut./Ancient Egypt
- Geography - Map Drills of Egypt and Africa
- Literature - Five Little Peppers and How They Grew, Anne of Green Gables, The Hobbit, and haven't decided on the fourth book yet
- Picture Study - John James Audubon, Claude Monet, Mary Cassatt, Carl Larson, Maxfield Parrish, and P. Buckley Moss
- Poetry - Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson
- Nature Study - Continue Outdoor Hour Nature Challenges and hopefully purchase one of the new nature study books from Queenhomeschool
- Composer Study - Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Strauss, Tchaikovsky, and Stravinsky
- Art - Nightly sketching with dad and group lessons throughout the year
- Shakespeare - Drama class will be performing Shakespeare at the beginning of the year
- Science - is the only subject that will not be so much in a CM fashion using on hand lap books, unit studies and hands on adventures
It is always so much fun looking forward to the new year.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Art Class From See The Light

Science Decisions for Next Year
- Human Body
- Animal Life Cycles
- Ecosystems
- Exploring Light
- Simple Machines
- Volcanoes
- Earthquakes
- Thomas Edison
- Weather
- Will also continue with Nature Studies once a week through a new nature study book
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