Last night our church held the 2nd annual Journey to Jerusalem. On this night you can go back in time and be a part of the times of Jesus. I always work in the market place. Each individual is given gold coins to spend in the market place. They have the opportunity to purchase small baskets, figs, dates, grapes, clay bowls, gems, wooden mallets, and fish (goldfish). There is a beggar at the well begging for money, thieves and street urchins wondering the marketplace. High priests periodically come through and try to bribe you with gold coins to tell where Jesus is. We even have a tax collector that comes through to collect taxes from everyone.

This year our son was asked to be an apostle in the living last supper where people could come and watch and also participate in communion. Some animals were there for petting such as a donkey, some rabbits and goats. An individual could go on a pray walk which meant carrying a cross as Jesus did and pounding a nail into a larger cross. We also had a jail in which you could find Barabbas, and the empty tomb. I got one great comment at the end of the festivities. At the end of the evening a mother approached our booth and wanted us to know how much she appreciated the event. She was so happy to have an alternative to going to an Easter egg hunt to show her children the true meaning of Easter. Comments like that really make us thrilled about preparing for the event each year.
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