Thursday, June 30, 2011
New Materials for the School Year
All About The Garden
True Confessions
I am a Glenn Beck groupie. There I said it. I started watching Glenn Beck on CNN 4-5 years ago and then followed him over to FOX News. A couple of years ago we decided to let go of our cable tv and watch Netflix through our Roku box or watch all the free programming these days you can find on the Internet. One thing that I would miss was FOX News and The Glenn Beck Program. We have never looked back after losing the cable. Too much trash commercials and TV available for children's ears and eyes. While meandering my way through the Internet today I find something very interesting. Glenn Beck has started his own network, but it is so much more that just a TV program. I urge everyone to jump over to and take a peek at what will be offered. Soon you can even watch this through your Roku box. His company has amazing things planned.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
- Woke up to hubby cooking breakfast and cutting potatoes to dry in the dehydrator. I immediately went to work placing the cut up potatoes on the trays. The bell peppers were dried all last night and turned out well.
- Created a playpen area in the back yard for the baby chicks to get some outdoor play time. They will be five weeks old on Monday.
- Brought home a sugar baby watermelon last night from the garden, turns out it wasn't ready yet to eat. This morning gave it to the chickens and they have picked clean down to the rind.
- Took Grace to the library to cash in her reading hours. She purchased three books with some of her money and saved the rest for the next visit. In the month of June she has also earned free ice creams or milk shakes from multiple area restaurants.
- Today Grace wrote another paragraph in her story, drew an illustration for the story, read for thirty minutes and listened to audio of the first Harry Potter book.
- Due to an abundance of eggs I made cookies yesterday and will make pound cake tomorrow. Also had potatoes and eggs this morning for breakfast as well as making deviled eggs this afternoon.
- Hubby working at the art gallery today and some tomorrow to help out the owner.
- Hoping to get some spray paint tomorrow to paint two filing cabinets black to bring in the house and do some much needed organizing. Need to consolidate three different areas of bills, school paper work, etc.
- Continuing to read about permaculture and how we might be able to use it here at home.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Harvesting, Baking and Planning
Oldest child asked me yesterday to make some snickerdoodles and never quite got around to it. Probably because I did a marathon session of finishing Damages Season 2 on Netflix. But today after visiting with grandparents and going to a doctors appt. was finally able to accommodate his request.
Also our tomatoes are just about ready for harvest. We have been told by other gardeners that are using the same land as us that tomato rot is a real problem. So Scott went ahead and picked these to let them finish ripening in the window to hopefully escape the rot. Me and my sister hope to make lots of salsa next week.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Silence of the Bees

Friday, June 24, 2011
Nourishing Your Body
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Potatoes Galore
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Board Meetings, Camp, and Planning
Today was Grace's third day at Art Camp. She is really enjoying this and will miss it next year. Rising 7th grade is the last grade allowed in. She will finish out the week and then we will get to go Sunday afternoon to see all her work. The church that does this sets up the gym like an art museum to display all the kids' art work. Yesterday after camp we had lunch out and then headed to a town close by for me to attend a board meeting. Recently I was elected for our home school groups board of directors. I will be filling the spot for a year for Parent Support Advocate. Mainly this means I will be responsible for scheduling parent support dinners, seminars, etc. This was our first board meeting for the new year so lots to discuss and there where three new board members, so that meant even more catch up. We have a small group of about 33 families. Today meant typing up a questionnaire for the group and making a new brochure for the board of education to hand out to new homeschoolers in our area. As I mentioned in a previous post we are reading Pagoo and doing a study on hermit crabs and tidal pool life. Well now that this study is under way I need to start planning for the next one we will use. Pagoo was easy because I was able to purchase a inexpensive study guide from Queen Homeschool to use along with it. Well, Minn of the Mississippi doesn't have a study guide. That means I need to make one on my own. This study will be great to do next because we hope to go to Tybee Island in September. Minn is a turtle that travels the Mississippi River until he reaches the Gulf of Mexico. Of course Tybee is on the Atlantic seaboard and has sea turtles, I still think it will be fun. Wish me luck, I need to read through 20 chapters and come up with corresponding activities, questions, etc. to do about snapping turtles.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Purchases and Banana Chips
Hermit Crab and Tidal Pool Study
Mark The Date - September 30th
A new movie will be coming to theaters on September 30th titled "Courageous". This movie is produced by the same church that filmed "Fireproof". This time they are tackling the subject of fathers and being the spiritual leaders of their families. I watched a trailer of the movie last night and it really looks good. Visit their website to watch the trailer and see if it will be showing in a theater near you. This would be a great opportunity for your church to get a group of people to go and view it together. Please visit the website and support the movie. We need more movies like this being made.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Trouble Commenting
Has anyone else had trouble commenting? The only trouble I have is when it asked me to comment under a google account in the drop box. I did read someone commenting on the fact that downloading Google Chrome would help. When Chrome first came out it looked up my hubby's computer so I am a little reluctant to do it. Advice would be appreciated.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Please Visit
My daughter has started her own blog. She is very interested in visiting other kid's blogs. If your children have their own blogs would you please leave a comment on Grace's blog so she can visit. You can visit Grace at Thanks so much for helping out.
Have You Ever Had A Dream
Everybody dreams about ways they would like to change their lives or special things they would like to accomplish one day. Believe it or not one of my dreams has always been to own a business. A little cafe up in town that everyone like to come in for breakfast, a small book store that people from our small town visit to purchase a gift or sit down to have a cup of coffee and chit chat. We have even discussed opening a craft/homeschool supply store in our small town. The only place we have to purchase any craft supplies within a 50 mile radius is Walmart. Since starting down the path of self sustainability a new dream has started taking shape. On the road trip to the library this past week we had a discussion about some of the future dreams for this path. Scott is loving the garden and of course I love my chickens. In the Fall we hope to start working on our version of small fish farming with some of the ideas from aquaponics. Also I want to try my hand at a version of indoor greenhouse growing over the winter for lettuce. All of these ideas culminates into gardening on a larger scale next year and more egg production. We are thinking about trying to sell some of our bounty at a farmer's market next year, seeing where that goes and then maybe even going bigger. Right now hubby is home 4 days a week and working three days a week in a town 1 hour and 15 minutes away. We don't know how long this schedule will hold out and we definitely don't want to go back to him working 5 days a week. We have gotten very used to him being around most of the time and enjoy our time together as a family. So we would like to put a plan in to motion that would ensure him getting to stay at home as much as possible. I have recently started reading some small books about growing and selling. The biggest idea I have learned from the reading is to pick a couple of specialty items to grown and sell. Of course as my title suggests this is all in the dreaming phase at this point. But we have all fall and winter to plan and maybe make some of it work. Have you ever had a dream like this? Want to share? Leave a comment about your dreams.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Movie Day
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Points of Interest From the Past Two Days
Hopefully some of this will be interesting to you guys, mostly it is to us:
- This is the third day with hermit crabs in the house and Grace hasn't lost interest yet. That is actually pretty big for her, she loses interest very fast. The past two days she has accomplished all the crab tasks on her own (feeding, watering, handling, misting with water, etc.). She is also enjoying our hermit crab study through Pagoo and the study guide we purchased from Queen Homeschool. She is focused and not fussing about doing work from the study guide. Believe me, this is a big deal.
- As mentioned in yesterday's post we went to the big library in Spout Springs and checked out lots of books. Grace checked out two graphic novels and two manga books. She is already reading two big chapter books at home (Peter and the Shadow Thieves and rereading Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief).
- We are about 300 pages into the first book of The Kane Chronicles. This is our fun book that I read aloud to her each day for 30 minutes. It took about 240 pages before she actually started enjoying the book. She doesn't like it as much as the Percy Jackson series but it is growing on her.
- This morning Scott and Grace got up, went out for breakfast, then on to a nature hike for a couple of hours. It was a great way for her to get in her daily exercise.
- This afternoon we did the third day of our study of hermit crabs, sat outside and watched the baby chicks play in the sunlight, and grilled out burgers for dinner.
- Right now I am making home made granola bars while Grace and Scott are down tending to the garden. In a few I will head out for my daily exercise.
- This morning I did a deep clean on both chicken coops. It's looking like Betty's egg might not hatch. So disappointing for her, she has sat on this egg so well for 21 days. If nothing happens by Saturday she is coming out of that nesting box and going back out with the flock. I hope she adjusts well. I also went to the feed store today to purchase scratch, medicated chicken starter, two bales of compressed pine shavings, poultry grit and oyster shells. Grand total 46.00. The price for a bag of scratch has gone from around 6 or 7 dollars to 12, the price of corn has definitely gone up.
- The most exciting thing that happened today is our Excalibur Dehydrator was delivered. First of next week we will be harvesting and drying.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Another Sign of our Economic Times
Today we visited our favorite big library that is 45 minutes from our home but still in our regional library system. Grace wanted to sign up for their summer reading program. Her being 12 doesn't allow her to join the teen program at our local but does at this library. Also the selection of books is hands down 100 percent better. When we were checking our books out I noticed two signs for the patrons explaining some upcoming changes. Of course I went to the librarian to elaborate. She told us that the Spout Springs library would not longer be opened on Sunday plus there were furlough days that the library would be closed throughout the year. Two libraries in their county were being completely shut down and their library had to lay off all 21 part time employees as well as 4 full time employees. We just went through some of this with our local library with the possibility of not being open anymore. I cannot tell how much of a blow to our family and community that would have been. On the ride home hubby and I had a conversation about what would happen if one day in the future all libraries were shut down for lack of funding. Or he mentioned that like the YMCA now had to have paying members that the library might one day have a paying membership. We would be okay with that because we visit it and use it so much. We also pondered with the fact that probably less than 20 percent of Americans utilize the library. People just don't realize what they are missing out on.
Monday, June 13, 2011
More Summer Science Studies
Adding to our Zoo
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
The Habit of Obedience
The habit of obedience is a tough one. Being on top of this 24 hours a day is hard. At the beginning of the summer we implemented a summer learning program. Grace was asked to pick 5 items from the list to accomplish each day and it couldn't be the same items every day except for independent reading. The first two weeks were tough. She didn't want to do it and I heard "No" alot. Of course hearing "NO" is not new to use. There are many things on a daily basis that she would be asked to do and I would get "NO". So we revamped what this summer would be about. Yes we would still do a summer full of learning but we would also work alot on obeying. Doing what you are told the first time you are asked. Most of this is our fault because over the years we have not be consistent. Not anymore. Grace asked me the other day why I assigned her independent reading to do every day. I told her that when I routinely saw her picking up a book on her own to read each day, choosing to read a book instead of being on the computer or watching TV, that would be the day I stopped assigning her to read. I will have to say that the last few days have been very agreeable. She does not fight us about walking every other day, or doing the five assigned learning activities, or reading. She is even making her bed and getting ready on time in the morning. Maybe consistency is just what she needed. This is my purpose for the summer. Teach her obedience and help her find something in the academic world that really interests her (this we are still working on).
Friday, June 10, 2011
Putt Putt Golf

Volunteering for the Library

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Look What Hubby Built
Welcome to Summer School
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Summer Days
I wish I could say lazy summer days but we are still just as busy in these first days of summer as we were during school. Of course Grace doesn't realize that we are actually still doing school just not math and writing. Today I made a list for Grace to accomplish. She did some watercolor painting of the baby chicks, read 30 minutes from her book, I read a chapter from our read aloud and she did a vocabulary page. This afternoon we headed back to a friend's house to swim for a couple of hours. Once home I immediately started in on dinner. After dinner my sister came over and I gave her some of the veggies from the garden then we went to my mom's house to bring her a bag of veggies too. The baby chicks are progressing very nicely and so much fun to watch. The dogs are much more relaxed this go around with chickens in the house as opposed to having the 6 Buffs. I guess 6 make more noise than 2. Although Angel (toy poodle) is still very protective of them. Scott went down to the garden again tonight and came back with three heads of lettuce and some carrots. The carrots were still a little early and very small. Hoping tomorrow we can stay at home and be lazy. Oops, I forgot, the library is having a retirement party for one of our favorite library ladies. But that's okay, Grace can turn in her hours for reading and get some prizes.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Garden Update
Monday, June 6, 2011
A New Week
We had a very busy weekend and now the week is shaping up to be busy also. Saturday was a pool party, Sunday was church and Grace had a friend come over and spend the night. Today Grace went back home with said friend and didn't return until tonight. Tomorrow we are heading out to Dahlonega to visit my niece's first apartment. Tomorrow is also Grace's 12th birthday so we will be going out to lunch. Her actual party is this Saturday and they will be playing laser tag. This afternoon I got the delivery from Home Science Tools so later in the week we will dive in to a study about Barn Owls with some books from the library and working our way through an owl pellet. The baby chicks are well and growing. So much more fun having them in the house than out in the coop. Looking forward to one more egg hatching next week. I am doing alot of reading this week as well as cross stitching. Mostly spending alot of time indoors due to the mid 90's temps. Very humid! Can't do much outside. Me and Grace have started watching what we eat more, drinking more water, and walking. I think Grace has already lost about 4 pounds, while my old self have only lost 1. It stinks getting old!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
End of the Year Picnic
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Baby Chicks
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