Monday, November 30, 2009
Barracudas Memory Box is giving away a years subscription to Family Fun Magazine. Get on over there and sign up. Since I have so much trouble with buttons here is her link
Girls Day Out

Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday Adventures
What was I thinking? Get up at 3:00 a.m. and go shopping. Yes, that is exactly what I did. I have not been to the Black Friday sales in probably about 6 years. My sister was going and I thought it might be fun. Started out at Walmart and got some movies, games, toys for church food pantry give away, and snow boots. Surprisingly - no problems. Crowded, but everyone was happy, helpful, calm, and quick. After Walmart scooted over to Burger King for breakfast and on to the road for our closest Kohls, about 45 minutes away. Got the rest of my son's presents at Kohls and Game Stop. Kids are done. Yeah! Now I just have my sister and her husband which are the names we drew. Going shopping again with mother and Grace on Sunday, will get those presents then. After Christmas shopping I had to go get groceries. So obviously this day was pretty pricey. Didn't start feeling drowsy until about 2:30 - tried to lay down and take a nap but the dogs would not leave me alone. Finally got back up at 4:00. I will probably go to bed early tonight.
There has been no book work this week. Taking a break for the holiday. But just like any homeschool family, stuff got done. Today Scott found our old video camera and most of the day Grace has been doing stop action filming with her legos. Making backgrounds, etc. I also sat down and read two chapters to her from The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Also much drawing and reading going on. Yesterday we put the tree and such up. Tomorrow is big clean house day. Hope everyone out there is having a good Thanksgiving and holiday weekend.
There has been no book work this week. Taking a break for the holiday. But just like any homeschool family, stuff got done. Today Scott found our old video camera and most of the day Grace has been doing stop action filming with her legos. Making backgrounds, etc. I also sat down and read two chapters to her from The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Also much drawing and reading going on. Yesterday we put the tree and such up. Tomorrow is big clean house day. Hope everyone out there is having a good Thanksgiving and holiday weekend.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving and an Update on Mom
As some of you know my mom has had recurrent thyroid cancer for 8 years. She has had many surgeries, radio iodine treaments, and radiation treatments. Nothing has really worked, it always comes back. We came back from her oncologist yesterday at Emory and in two weeks she will be put on a clinical trail. This trail will go on for 6 months with chemo infusion once a week and pills every day for four weeks then a two week rest. There are many side effects that we will have to watch for and deal with. Please pray for my mom. This has been such a long battle for her. Pray that the side effects will be bearable and that the medication will do its job. I am thankful that I still have both of my parents and am a little selfish and want her to be here longer. Thank you in advance for any prayers you can send our way.
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!!!!! Have a Blessed Day!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!!!!! Have a Blessed Day!!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Play Posters and Cupcakes
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thanksgiving Fest 2009 At Trinity

All in all it was a great day. Grace is exhausted. Last night she spent the night at a friends then they both had to get up this morning around 6 to get ready for this day of fun. I was a group leader all day. We were both happy to get home and relax a little bit. Grace is now downstairs watching an American Girl movie and I of course an working on my blog. No school this week! Yeah! Time for relaxation and rejuvination.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009
Cooking Class and Stage Design

The most exciting thing happened when we got back home. The Artful Parent has started an art pen pal program. I think over 200 kids signed up for it. Grace got her email tonight of who her art pen pal is and she lives in South America. Yeah!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Random Items
Today was a Trinity day which meant we were gone from the house from 10:00 - 2:30. In chorus they are practicing Christmas songs to sing at a nursing home and for the Fine Arts Program in December. In drama we are getting down to the nitty gritty with Willy Wonka. Very intense, long practices. But still enjoyable. Cake decorating is still going on in handicrafts. This afternoon for school we didn't accomplish much. When we don't get home from Trinity until about 2:30 I only fill about 6 wokboxes. Today we had a review worksheet in math over long division and multiplication. We have also started a math book I picked up last weekend that has a daily math riddle to solve. For Bible we have been reading through The Children's Story Bible by Catherine Voss for the last year and a half and hope to be finished with it in January. Then we will start The Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament which I won in a blog giveaway. Since Grace loves to draw so much, I try to include some form of drawing in one of her workboxes each day - today we looked at an activity that emulated Audubon and his sketching of wildlife. Grace chose to do a wild rabbit and then wrote some facts around the drawing. In Literature it is On the Banks of Plum Creek and we are almost halfway through the book. Right now we are reading the chapters about Christmas which is very fitting with us also about to go in to the holiday season. Tomorrow will be our last day of book work until after the Thanksgiving Holidays. Tonight after dinner went to the grocery store to pick up the few items that I will be responsible for with my extended families Thanksgiving feast on Saturday. Looking very forward to seeing all of them.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Beautiful Fall Day

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Busy, Fun Weekend
Friday - Scott started his first art show and spent all afternoon there. Grace loved being there also. She drew most of the afternoon. I ran many errands after visiting them at the art show. By the end of the day everyone was pretty exhausted.
Saturday- Grace left early with Scott to go to McDonalds for breakfast, to a yard sale, and then back to the art venue. I visited late in the morning and then went and got Blimpies for use for lunch. My mom and sister visited us and took Grace back with them to let her play with my nephew. They ended up outside the remainder for the day playing and jumping on the trampoline. My sister invited us over for dinner and we had a great dinner of steak, potato, salad, and bread. The next morning I weighed myself and I had a gained a pound. No kidding! We stayed over at my sisters for a while then headed back home. Again we were all exhausted.
Sunday - Church first thing in the morning. Watched a video by Voddie Bauchum(sp?) in Sunday School and enjoyed it very much. Scott had to leave right after church to get back to the art show, we stayed at church for our Thanksgiving dinner that the church does each year. Lots of great food. Did I mention I gained a pound back yesterday, lol. Grace brought two friends back home with us for the afternoon. Then back to church to practice for the upcoming Christmas production. Such a busy weekend, but it was fun.
Saturday- Grace left early with Scott to go to McDonalds for breakfast, to a yard sale, and then back to the art venue. I visited late in the morning and then went and got Blimpies for use for lunch. My mom and sister visited us and took Grace back with them to let her play with my nephew. They ended up outside the remainder for the day playing and jumping on the trampoline. My sister invited us over for dinner and we had a great dinner of steak, potato, salad, and bread. The next morning I weighed myself and I had a gained a pound. No kidding! We stayed over at my sisters for a while then headed back home. Again we were all exhausted.
Sunday - Church first thing in the morning. Watched a video by Voddie Bauchum(sp?) in Sunday School and enjoyed it very much. Scott had to leave right after church to get back to the art show, we stayed at church for our Thanksgiving dinner that the church does each year. Lots of great food. Did I mention I gained a pound back yesterday, lol. Grace brought two friends back home with us for the afternoon. Then back to church to practice for the upcoming Christmas production. Such a busy weekend, but it was fun.
Friday, November 13, 2009
First Art Show

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Community Service
The second Wednesday of each month is our church's food pantry day. It was very busy from the word go - handed out 97 boxes of food to local families and 80 gift cards to get a free turkey from a local grocery store for Thanksgiving. Grace and I really enjoy each month when we get to help. I work the front desk and handle most of the paperwork and greetings, Grace takes boxes out for the elderly. Next month we hope to have enough baked goods to send something home with each family. Still have a couple of hours of school work to do. Going to eat at church tonight - b-cue and fixings - yum!! I think tonight will be game night from my middle school class - Bible Charades.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pretty Normal Day
Its raining again. Probably going to rain tomorrow too. But we had some beautiful days prior to this rain. Anywho, enough with the weather. Today was a pretty normal day. Trinity this morning for choir, handicrafts, and drama. This afternoon consisted of Bible, math, spelling, video about Eli Whitney, Proverbs Bible study, and literature. All in all a pretty normal day hence the title. I was supposed to go to a board meeting tonight but that has been cancelled which is good because instead we need to go pack boxes for our church's food pantry. We will be handing the boxes out tomorrow. Here is a couple of things that have been rambling in this brain of mine: I received an email from The Old Schoolhouse about the upcoming Midwest Homeschool Conference in Cinncinati and I am really thinking about going. My MIL lives about two hours from there, so we are thinking about going to Kentucky first to visit family then on to the conference. It looks really good - Tim Hawkins will be there and we love him. Also coming up much sooner is a Thanksgiving Day Feast and Activities that Trinity is doing. We are really looking forward to it - many activities planned. Weaving, archery, presentations, making butter, traditional Thanksgiving dishes, and it goes on and on - an all day event. I will be sure to post many pictures, etc. from the event. Time to go fix dinner got to get off of hereand do that mom thing.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Art Co-op - Botticelli
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Our Weekend
Both Saturday and Sunday have been beautiful days with wonderful weather. Yesterday we drove out to the big library that is about 50 minutes away. I needed some books for my co-op on Monday for Botticelli. Unfortunately between two different libraries I couldn't find just one book so I had to get a few books that had small amounts of info in each. Grace checked out about 8 drawing books and immediately came home and started drawing. She is so passionate about drawing and really always has been. I will try to take some photos of her recent drawings and post them (if she will let me) they are very personal to her and hard to share. I also checked out some dvds about fractions, we will be starting with fractions in about one week. We also lucked upon a dvd about Da Vinci and Eli Whitney to watch in the next couple of weeks. Today after church we headed out to Toccoa Falls to have some professional pictures taken with my sister's family. The Falls were beautiful. It has been about three years since we were out here last. Toccoa Falls is located on the campus of Toccoa Falls Christian College. In the 1970's the dam that is located a little above the falls broke and flooded the area as well as killed some people on the campus and in town. By God's protection the school was actually not in session and many students were home with their families.
We took this picture while waiting for our turn with the photographer.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

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