Pretty much the entire week we were at home. No outings, no extracurricular activities, etc. It was really nice. We also didn't go out to eat all week (which is really good for us lately). Today is one of Scott's long days at work, so it called for a little fun. We finished most of our school this morning then headed out for our small adventure. Went to Zaxbys for lunch then headed to the closest decent book store, 30 minutes away. I had some things in mind that I wanted and was able to accomplish alot of it. Of course I could have purchased so many other nice things. Lots of great chicken raising books and gardening books. But I tried to control myself, especially with going to the homeschool convention in only three weeks. Yeah! The above photo is a national Audubon Society Pocket Guide of Familiar Butterflies of North America. This will go great with our current butterfly unit and we as a family hope to do some hiking in the near future. The is a great small book we can take with us to identify some butterflies.

Next on the agenda was some new reading material for Grace. Grace really has to connect with a book to finish it. Here lately that just hasn't happened. A couple of months ago she read the two Lanie books from American Girl and really enjoyed them. They were mostly about plants and nature. She is not that interested in reading their historical books though. She is right on the edge of them being a little young for her. But for independent reading each day I really don't mind, it gets to be her choice. I decided to pick up the two series book Nicki and Thanks to Nicki. These two books have another of Grace's interests, dogs. The Nicki books are about dogs in general as well as training service dogs.

This is a just for fun book for Grace. She really loves all things fantasy. She has a dragon book from this series also. She will also be using it for sketching time. One of her favorite subjects to draw are fairies.

Next comes a couple of items for me. It isn't often that I purchase just for me. Normally I get most of my reading material , non-fiction and fiction, from the library. But I knew I needed to soon start doing some planning for Grace's high school year. I have perused this book before and it looked like it has some good information in it. Good enough to keep on the shelf for future references. There is one other high school book I want and will try to find at the used sale at the convention. I think the name is something like High School Design. It is for families that are homeschooling but not necessarily doing it a traditional way. Which will probably be us. I don't see us taking a completely traditional path for high school subjects, etc. I will post more about this in the future as it plays out.

This is just a little clearanced dollar item I can keep in my purse. I am constantly needing something to write on for books I want to put on hold at the library or just things I want to remind myself to do the next day. Also it will be handy to take to the convention to take notes in sessions, etc.
1 comment:
Now any outing that includes books is bound to be a hit in my books! - lol. Thanks for sharing - I am liking the look of 'Homeschooling the Teen Years'
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