Yesterday we went to the library for a retirement party for Ms. Sally. Ms. Sally has been a fixture at this library as long as we have been living here (8years), but I know she has worked here longer. F0r the past 4-5 years Ms. Sally has been in charge of the children's area and story hour for the toddlers and preschoolers. Also for the past five years she has been plagued with medical problems. Ms. Sally was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer a few years ago and it spread last year to her brain, she was able to have surgery to remove it and radiation. Because of all the treatments of radiation and chemo it has weakened her bones in a bad way and has suffered through two broken hips that has to be replaced. After the last broken hip her doctors said she needed to retire. She has always been upbeat and I have never seen her down. We will miss her very much. Last year was Grace's first experience as a volunteer at the library and Ms. Sally trained her to shelve books. Please help us pray for Ms. Sally, that her courage and great attitude will stay with her through more treatments in the near future. Grace mostly did her volunteering over the summer until we started school back. Needless to say shelving is not her favorite thing. We spoke with the new person that will be heading up the children's story hour and asked if Grace could volunteer with that. She said yes, so now Grace will have a volunteer position every Wednesday morning to help during story hour with the littles. This is good for Grace, she is really good with small children.
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