Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Preparations For Possible Ice Storm and Power Outages

Here in the South we don't see snow or ice very often. The past couple of weeks have changed all that and produced a very interesting Winter for us. This morning we woke up to snow but the temps are a bit too high for a lot of accumulation. That doesn't really matter because tonight and tomorrow are really the days we need to look out for damage and possible power outages. The temps will start dropping and the rain/sleet/ice/snow will continue. 

A few years ago I started saving many of my cat litter containers. It just seemed like such a waste to throw them out or even taking them to the recycling center. I have many stored in our crawl space filled with water. This is water saved for emergencies. I don't have to worry too much about the water being stored too long or going bad. This water will many be used for flushing toilets and heating up for bathing if needed. We have a well, no power means no water reaching the house. The biggest issue with power outages for us is the bathrooms. We have two wood stoves and plenty of wood to keep the house warm. We can cook on these stoves and we have a grill outside to cook on as well. 

I went ahead this morning and made extra batches of tea, again in case the power decides to go out. I did stop by the grocery store yesterday afternoon along with most of Habersham County to pick up a few essentials and a few fun things to keep everyone happy on the food front if we are stuck in the house for a few days. Hubby went ahead to work today but unless something changes dramatically probably won't be able to make it in tomorrow or maybe even Thursday. 

This time tomorrow will start showing a picture of what we have to expect.


Nicole said...

Praying that you keep your power, Diane! We live in the Midwest and it has been an especially brutal winter. We are so tired of the cold, snow and ice!! Come on, Spring!

A Candle to Read By said...

It is so pretty outside! I am making my tea, too. We have a huge 2-gallon jar that we use for sweet tea. I was wondering if your husband was able to get out today. You all be careful!

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

We're supposed to be getting 3-5 inches...but it's still bright and sunny here outside Knoxville!