Friday, July 6, 2012

What If....

What if you wanted to quit your job and create a whole new lifestyle for you and your family. What would that look like? For us we would garden more and sell at farmer's markets throughout the year. Raise more chicken and eggs and sell them. Hubby would do more artwork, maybe create homemade toys, or write a children's book. Lots of ideas running around in my head these days. Wanting hubby to be home more and us be our on boss. Most debt for us will be paid off in a year except for the mortgage. We are currently looking at some alternative plans for our lives. Not sure what it will look like or even if it is possible, but still searching and praying for something different.


Fran said...

I would like to spend more time on the allotment and more time cooking. I would also like to spend more time with my volunteer work - helping prisoners learn to read. Unfortunately work gets in the way for the foreseeable future. Good luck with your plans xxx

Free Spirit Beth said...

What a great thought provoker. We got out of debt except for mortage a few years ago and now it is cash only for us. It drives people crazy. But it is a healthy way to live as your stresses are so much less. To be honest I have cut back to two twelve hour shifts per week and most days when it is time to work I do not mind going and enjoy what I do. I would like hubby to be home more as well. I would take more time to homestead more efficiently.