Husband is busily building yet another chicken enclosure. Our baby chicks will be 6 weeks on Monday. Even though they seem to think they are all grown up and deserve to stay outside all the time, they are not big enough to go in with the mean old rooster or the very big Buffs. So next best option was to put together a permanent play area that was more secure than the one we have up now. This area is completely enclosed so predators can't get to the babies. Next spring I am sure we will let some eggs hatch again and will need this area at that time also. With a complete enclosure we can leave the house while they are outside and not have to worry about them. Husband is very good at building something out of almost nothing. The only item we needed to purchase was more chicken wire. Already had the wood and rocks.
Your back yard is going to be one big chicken house. Ever thought of a contract with Fieldale?!
It's a lot of work but so worth it, isn't it???
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