After Grace's art lesson this past Wednesday she said she would really like her own art studio. Actually what she wants to do is kick her 20 yr old brother out of the house, take over his bedroom for her own and use the upstairs loft, which is currently her room, to switch to an art studio just for her. Today she went over to my sister's house to play with a cousin and I went to work. While I was decluttering the school room, I also decluttered her room too and created half of her room into an art studio. Time will tell if she actually goes up there and uses it. Most times you can find her in the TV room or school room, but not in her room. Maybe this will get her creative juices flowing.
How sweet. Hopefully that will be just what she needs. It's a wonderful feeling to sit in a room surrounded by things you've created and the materials to do so.
What a great spot! Nice natural light too.
Well, it certainly looks inviting! I hope she finds it a good place for her art work.
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