How do we know that we have a new layer? A different color egg. The past 3-4 days we have been given a light brown egg by a game hen we named speckles. Today a green egg has appeared. We suspect from a really big black hen named Betty. Looking forward to lots of eggs and baby chicks in the Spring.
Ameraucana hens usually lay a light green / bluish egg. Hens with red ear lobes lay brown eggs while hens with white ear lobes lay white eggs with few exceptions. Ameraucana hens are really cool just google the breed; I am sure that is from South American breed. We have raised them five years now. Do you have a rooster?
What a treat! I love getting different color eggs. I have two Ameraucanas, one lays a green egg and the other a pinkish tint egg. The trait is often passed down to cross breeds, usually called Easter Eggers.
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