Monday morning we woke up to almost 7 inches of snow which is
alot in this part of the country. When this kind of snow falls in North Georgia it kind of immobilizes us because most people don't know how to deal with it. Hubby doesn't work Monday - Thursday so no big deal for him but Travis was supposed to work, but they closed the plant. Again Travis tried to leave for work this morning, but it was a no go. Too much ice and snow still covering the roads. He went back to bed. There was much sledding and playing in the snow yesterday. I let Grace take a snow day from school but we are back at it again today. The snow will still be here this afternoon for more playtime. Also today the snow is more wet, we might be able to build a snowman. I did not go out in the snow because I have been battling ear infections (I think) since Friday night. Of course the doctor is open on the weekend and now two snow days where the city is shut down. Hoping to get to the doctor tomorrow. Had to dig out the chickens yesterday , they have not set foot out of their indoor coop at all. Looking forward to some sunny weather tomorrow and maybe getting out of the house for a couple of hours even if it is to go to the doctor. I don't even think the mail ran yesterday.

Your place looks like ours. But I suspect we're on about the same latitude so it isn't surprising.
Did you homeschool your son? We started when ours were in 6th and 2nd grade and homeschooled both right on through high school graduation. I loved it and often think it's too bad I only had two because I was really starting to get the hang of it!
To answer Leigh's question. We only homeschooled Travis in the remainder of his 11th grade year. He decided at 18 not to finish high school and go to work full time. He was never what I would call a school kid. But much to our surprise a year later on his own studied and passed the GED and is not taking college classes for a degree in Computer Science while also working full time for the past 2 1/2 years for the same company. Grace we started in the 2nd grade and will continue until she graduates. I too will miss homeschooling once she graduates.
Beautiful snow!!! Hope you are enjoying it. HOpe you are feeling better too! It really does help to curb spending when you are housebound doesn't it?!
Good for Travis. No, not all kids are academically inclined and it's interesting that after some practical experience he figured out what he needed and applied himself to that. I reckon that's what unschooling is all about(?)
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