There are many aspects of Charlotte Mason's methods that we incorporate to our schedule on a daily basis. According to SCM (Simply Charlotte Mason) you are to do picture study once a week, and it only takes about 10 minutes out of your school day. For the past couple of years that is exactly what we have done, also adding in biographies, hands on art projects, etc. This year life got a little more busy and I decided to shake things up a bit and do it differently. In the above picture there is a plastic picture holder that sits on Grace's desk. We usually study a individual artist for about 6-8 weeks. I purchase postcard paintings from Dover Publishing for each painter that we are interested in. This term we have paintings from Paul Cezanne. Each day a new painting of his is placed in the plastic holder for Grace to see as she accomplishes her school work throughout the day. Well, while I was at the book store last night all the calenders and planners were half off. I have wanted one of these for quite a while, so I just took the plunge and purchased it. Below is a calendar from The MET, each new days brings a new artist of different types of mediums. Each day will bring a surprise as to what we will be seeing. This will also be on Grace's desk to look at each day.

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