Friday, April 23, 2010

More Nature Study

We have been trying to do at least two nature study walks/lessons a week. Don't really have a focus, mainly just talking about what we see and taking it from there. Today we went out the front door and didn't have to travel farther than that to find our special treat for the day. Rosy maple moths. There were three of the on our front porch just hanging out. Learned that they are attracted to black light and like to eat maple trees, hence their name. Some times they can make pests of themselves. In the next couple of days hubby and Grace are going to look at the maple trees on our property and see if they can find any more. When Grace gets back home tonight she will finish her nature journal page about these beautiful creatures.


legendswife said...

Darling. My boys and I were outside most of the day yesterday. Its so wonderful to step out and appreciate God's creation.

Kelly Rhoades said...

I have NEVER seen these guys before! I learned something!