Friday, April 30, 2010

Convention Post 1

It has been a whirl wind since leaving the house yesterday at lunchtime. As I mentioned in my post yesterday we drove to Atlanta, dropped off books to sale, went to the hotel, went to art gallery showing and ate dinner at 9:00 last night. Today was just as busy, but loved every minute of it. I decided to do the convention in a couple of posts. This morning got up early and arrived at the convention at 9:00. Because I would be volunteering in the used book fair this afternoon I got a hour of shopping before the masses came in like a wave at 10:00. The pictures above and below are what I got at the fair. I think I did pretty good - 31.00 for 9 books.
This afternoon our volunteer shift was 2-5. We had to sort all the unsold books back to the masses to pick up at 5:00. It took 30 volunteers every minute of that to get it done. When I saw all the books that did not sell I got very discouraged thinking mine didn't either. I brought 150 items to sale, when all was sorted I only brought back 25. Yeah! Looking forward to getting that check in the mail. If we had stayed one more night could have picked it up tomorrow morning but really needed to get back home. Tomorrow I will share some of my other purchases. Here is the items in the pictures:
Missionary Stories with the Millers
Detectives in Togas
The Titan's Curse
Handbook of Nature Study
How Great Thou Art - Art Curriculum
Packet of Time Line Figures
Easy Grammar Grade 5 & 6
Kirsten's Pastimes from the American Girl Series
Till tomorrow, have a nice night.


Pam... said...

Very good choices and it sounds like a whirlwind of a good time! Ps. be careful not to open the Handbook to wide. Ours nearly split down the middle of the binding when it was less than a year old.

Jessica said...

Handbook of Nature Study...GREAT find!!

Blessed Mommy said...

Great finds. It is fun finding great books at low prices.