Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happenings Around the House

Today was Scott's first day off in the middle of the week. He will also be home tomorrow. Then his new schedule will start Friday and last through Sunday. Very long days so we probably won't see much of him. Grace will miss him being home over the weekends because they normally spend alot of time together. They will just have to adjust to spending more time together during the week after school is finished each day. I have some fun things planned on Friday and Saturday to keep her mind occupied. First off on Friday no school work, at least no book work. We will be attending a history field trip visiting a local cemetery, going over to a friend's house for a play date and visiting a local book fair. On Saturday we hope to go do some shopping in a close by town. A little Christmas shopping, hunting down the new Percy Jackson graphic novel at the book store, and eating lunch out. Looking forward to a little girl time. Maybe on Sunday after church she can invite a friend over for the afternoon.

Baked a new wheat bread recipe today, looks like it turned out well. I get most of my recipes from the King Arthur Flour website. I still need to learn to do hamburger and hot dog buns, as well as dinner rolls. I know I can do it, just haven't tried any yet.

School went great today. When Scott's around the house I can always count on Grace doing her best and no talking back. We are thoroughly enjoying two new additions to our school work. Hey Andrew, Teach Me Some Greek is fabulous. Grace can't get enough of it. We are doing a letter every day. I decided to start her off on the easy book that just teaches the alphabet and we will be able to move on to the second book in a couple of months once she has the alphabet down. Our other new addition is Home Economics from Pearables. Again the first book starts off with very easy cooking and cleaning lessons. But coming from a 11 yr old child that doesn't do anything domestic, we really needed to start with the basics. So far she has learned to peel and cut carrots, keep a food journal, choose healthy food to eat and make cinnamon toast. Tomorrow she will do a lesson on cracking and cooking eggs. This has mostly been my fault because I come from the school of if I want it to be done right I will do it myself and not have to clean up a mess later. But I know that she needs to be more independent and learn more life skills. We are working on it and she really seems to be enjoying it. The books from Pearables has 3 or 4 level books and I hope to get through them all in 1 - 1 1/2 years then move on to a more intense Home Economics and Life Skill course geared more toward Middle and High Schoolers.


Debbie said...

Your statement about doing things yourself and therefore, not teaching those things to Grace, fits me perfect! I have to get better at this! I have friends who drop subtle hints about Collin (11) not doing things for himself.

I guess I better get busy in this area!

Kelly Rhoades said...

They have to clean up the mess they make themselves! That's the rule if you decide to cook around here....other than me and Mike, one of us cooks, the other cleans!

Deb said...

Oh, that does sound like long work days for your husband. But how wonderful that you homeschool! Grace won't miss out on her time with dad, it'll just be on different days of the week.