A field trip was planned to our local historical cemetery a few months ago and last night was the time to go. Little did we know how cold it would get this soon in this neck of the woods. I think by the time we left it was 39 degrees. Which is cold for us folks down South. What made the event that more interesting was that the historical society has people dressed in period clothes portraying the deceased people in the cemetery. It was interesting to find out a little about our local history and the people who lived her before us.

This little boy that was very cold as you can see portrayed a child that had drowned during a community picnic.

This woman was very good - she had three sons that fought in the Civil War. Matter of fact most of the graves are from people living during the War of 1812 and the Civil War. We also learned that the cousin of President Martin Van Buren (sp?) was from Clarkesville and buried in that very cemetery. Also buried here were a couple of congressmen, the founder of Clarkesville and Cleveland, Georgia, and the first victim of murder in Clarkesville. The murder occurred due to problems during the Gold Rush. Even though it was cold it was great seeing the members of our homeschool group and learning something about our local history.
Well, I'm guessing the cold will make this field trip very memorable! Certainly sounded like it would have been an interesting event. They offer something simliar in Huntsville that I had planned on attending this year with the kids and forgot all about it. I'm going to try REALLY hard to remember next year. Blessings! :)
An interesting way to learn history!
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