Here is Grace with her fun day. My mom and Grace hosted a booth at our Church's first Holiday Bazaar. Our booth consisted of scarves, note cards, and goodies. They had a good time, wish I could have stayed. But I had an adult thing to do, want to guess where I went. It was really fun!

I got to go to another Sonya Schafer seminar. To me she is a rock star in the home schooling community. Last January she came and did a seminar for our group about Fine Arts. This go around it was a morning of encouragement with Establishing Habits and Chasing After our Children's Hearts. Great morning. Lots of new ideas. I had purchased the Laying Down the Rails book last time and read through it with all intent of starting, but alas, did not. I am really going to start this time. Each good habit should be worked on for 8 weeks to stick. We will be starting with neatness or purity. I also purchased some new items to spend time with over the Thanksgiving Holiday. The Books and Things Seminar and Sonya's new Hearing and Reading, Telling and Writing. Looking so forward to getting in the thick of things. Sonya is always such a blessing. I would pay to hear her read the newspaper to us. That is how good she is. If you have never visited her website I strongly recommend it. Especially if you are a CMer.
We are interest-led learners here, but I love reading and looking at different homeschooling books for things that seem we'd find fun and interesting. I'm a big fan of a lot of what Charlotte Mason has to share, particularly about living books and hands-on experiences. We do not like sticking to someone else's rigid schedule, but we love, love, love to take what piques out interests.
I'm so glad you were able to meet one your your mentors. I felt that way when I was able to meet John Taylor Gatto and Alison McKee last March.
Oh, I really should take the time to learn more about Simply CM. I've enjoyed their mailing list posts for quite a while.
Annie Kate
This does look like a fun day! I'm glad you were encouraged. I hope your dd's sale went well too.
Oh my goodness, what fun to see Sonya Schafer! I need to pick up Laying Down the Rails again, too. :)
Sounds like you've been super busy! Grace looks so cute in the hat and scarf- my daughter would love that outfit! She's always on the lookout for hats.
It would do me good to read Laying Down the Rails again for myself! LOL
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