In the mail yesterday I received my Bioset from Johnny's Seeds. Currently I have started mung bean and alfalfa sprouts. Curious to see how well this works. Yummy salads and sandwiches here we come.

An ongoing problem around here has been rain. Yes, rain is great for our soil and for filling up our well. Over the past two months it has rained alot. More rain than actual sunny days. Which means my poor chickens have been walking around in alot of muck, except in their coops of course. Scott hung a tarp high over part of the Buff's run to help reduce some of the muddy muck. Today we finally have sun after 5 days of dreariness and rain. Thank you God for this beautiful day. We needed it so bad.
I have a similar sprouter and it works very well. The water from the mung bean sprouts perks up houseplants like you can't believe!! Yuck to the rain.....mud is a pain. We don't have rain, but we had snow and ice and now it's melting so we've got the muck too. :)
I would like one of those sprouters I will keep my eyes open. Our problem is lack of rain, we are in mid winter and are looking at a drought situation! Xxx
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