Sunday, March 31, 2013

Celebrating Easter in a Non-Traditional Way

I want to try and explain this in a way most people can understand why we decided not to spend Easter in church like most Christian families across America. There are two main points I would like to make that helped us make our decision about today:

  • First me and my husband have been thinking over the past year that church doesn't have to occur in the four walls of a building. Church can happen when any number of people congregate together to worship, learn, and study together. 
  • Next comes the most difficult statement for me to make. Our home church that we have attended for almost nine years is in major trouble. We are a small church of about 130 and up until this year has been a wonderful experience for our in entire family. Over the past six - 8 months the feel or vibe of the church has changed, many leaders have stepped down, members of the church have left for greener pastures, our fill in Pastor of 6 years abruptly left with his family(no bad feelings on their part), and to top it off we are financially struggling. So it just doesn't have that happy, wonderful feeling when you walk in the doors like it did at one time. We have stuck it out because they are our church family and I would not walk out on our regular family in a time of struggle. But we are increasingly missing Sunday Services to "do" church at home. 
  • Here is a bonus reason, since I said I had two. My father has never attended church and he recently turned 77 years old and is not in the greatest health. I really wanted to spend the day with him and the rest of my family.
Okay, so for all of these reasons and more, this is what we actually did today to celebrate Easter.

This morning we met at my parent's house with my sister's family to have brunch. This was a feast actually. Cinnamon roll cake, crock pot french toast, omelets, biscuits and gravy, turkey bacon, sausage, and home fries. Delish!!!! 

Next we all gathered in the living room in front of the television to watch two episodes of The Bible miniseries. Since my family does not have cable we haven't watched any of the episodes yet. I set up my mom's Roku box with the Amazon channel and we bought the two episodes from Amazon named the "The Mission" part one and two. Of course tonight the finale is airing and me and Grace plan on purchasing it tomorrow to watch on Amazon. 

All in all it was a wonderful day spent with the family eating, fellowshipping, and reflecting on what Jesus did for us so many years ago.


Nicole said...

Great day, Diane! So glad you got to spend the day with your family celebrating our Lord.

Fran said...

I have always believed that you don't need to be in a church to talk to God as he is all around. Great to see that you enjoyed Easter xx