I first started reading this book to see if it would be appropriate for Grace to read (it isn't, probably more for 16yrs and up). But I have been drawn in the the world that was created for the series, so unless something changes I will probably finish the series.

This one is for an online book club. Currently on chapter three and really enjoying it. Of course it is kind of depressing about how far all most of the kids in the world have been drawn away from outdoor play and nature through many sets of circumstances.

Being a family that raises chickens this one was a no brainer. The illustrations are in water color and so great. Yesterday I tried my hand at copying one of the chickens in my own painting. Let's just say it will not be seen on this blog. lol. Something I found very interesting was the forward was written by Prince Charles. Evidently his grandmother was a huge fan of Buff Orpingtons and had a flock of her won. Even Prince Charles keeps chickens (of course he probably pays someone to keep them for him). But still the same it just proves how many folks around the world really love chickens.
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