Friday, November 2, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up

Wow, did another week just go by. Each week just gets faster and faster. This week was a pretty normal one for us.

Math - Grace continued to work on percentage word problem. She is really understanding it and able to do everything independently. We are loving using Math Essentials. Almost finished with the book and moved on to Math Essentials Geometry.

Science - Working our way through a middle school Biology workbook. Finished up the chapter on digestion and started plant inventors. I found a list of items of all science topics that should be covered before 14. I think for the remainder of the year we may just work through this list and do a journal page in her science journal for each topic. This way she can easily go back and look something up when she doesn't remember.

Language Arts - Grace attended her essay writing class. She received an A on one of her papers and a check mark with a plus, plus on her in class paragraph writing. This is a very big deal for her. Writing is not a favorite in the household. But she is really enjoying this class. She started reading Fever 1793 for her literature book. We finished our read aloud Michael Vey and have started the new one, The Mark of Athena. We love reading just fun books for read alouds.

History - We finished up Pilgrim Story last week and have moved back to America The Beautiful by the Notgrass Company. Currently I have her read the chapter and given me a short oral narration so I know she understood what she read. Then there is a timeline activity that I have her post in her Book of Centuries.

Reviews - We finished three of the four final reviews of the year for TOS Review Crew. One left to post at the end of next week. I contacted Vision Forum and they graciously sent us two items to review. A two book series to read and a dvd collection about the Amazon. So this week our favorite item we are using is Into The Amazon, One Lost World, Thirty Men, Seven Mysteries. I hope to have a post and review up about this one in about a month.

Extras - Cooperative went on as planned on Tuesday and Thursday with Choir, Tone Chimes, Drama, and Art History. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is fast approaching. I definitely see extra practices in our future. Trying to get almost 40 kids to focus and quiet down is a real job. In Art History Grace learned and created ancient Kells. Grace had a friend go to Trunk or Treat with her on Sunday and spend the night, so no school on Monday. Acts of Faith practiced was canceled due to a couple of kids being sick. We were actually glad to spend an extra night around the homestead. Hubby has started working with Grace with marital arts and strength training. This also includes some boxing. It has been really hard to find an exercise routine for her to stick with. She doesn't like anything. So far this one is working pretty well.

Weightloss - This is moving along. In my first week on Weight Watchers I have lost 5 pounds. The point system is very easy to use. With that being said it is still a struggle to find items I can eat and still stay in my point range. Exercising daily helps because you earn more point to add to your daily total. I have started ordering exercise dvds from Netflix to see what I like before buying. I do have three Jazzercize dvds I am using as well as walking. It would be great if I could lose another 5 pounds this coming week but I know realistically it will be more like 1-3 pounds. Mostly I just want to fit into some of my clothes from last year which will be size 14. Currently I am in a size 16.

Shameless Plug - Also wanted to remind everyone that I have a giveaway going on this week for two Math Essential workbooks. Visit here to enter the giveaway.

Checkout what everybody else did this week at the Weekly Wrap-Up.


Karen said...

Looks like a great week Diane. What Biology workbook do you have? Where did you find a list of things to be learned? We love to read aloud too. I love that so many blogs I read do this too! Even with their 'older' kids. ;) Glad practice is going well. and yes 40 kids is a lot. Keilee was in The Wizard of Oz with 80 and I thought I would lose my mind at times. ;)

Mary said...

Congrats on losing five pounds!