Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Few of my Favorite New Things

Something that is very new to me is drinking hot tea. A couple of weeks ago when we went to some flea markets in North Carolina I came the Herb Lady. She wholesales herbs and tea mixtures from Herbs by Merlin. I picked up the Slim II tea and love. I have a cup every afternoon. I will soon be purchasing more teas (hormone mixture and merlin's best) in a couple of days. The best part is no calories.

Next favorite on my list is Weight Watchers meals. I eat these a few times a week. Sometimes I prepare something for the family for dinner that will just have too many points for me. I eat one of these little burgers with some baked chips and an apple for lunch a couple of times a week. 

We started our Shakespeare Unit and it is going swimmingly. Art journaling our information about Shakespeare and the Twelfth Night play is a real breakthrough for us. The page above is a bio page about Shakespeare.

Here we have a cast page with all the characters from Twelfth Night.
This page so what Grace is really good at in art. Twelfth Night is about a lot of confusion and a girl disguised as a guy. People falling in love and all the comedy that goes along with it. Today we did the page above which summarizes Act One and a couple of the scenes. The character she drew is Viola/Cesairo.

Last but not least is Zumba. I attended my first class last night and love it. High paced, crazy music, and lots of people. Didn't get bored once. Me and my sister hope to attend two classes a week to add to what we already do at home for exercise. This morning when I woke up my knees and heels were really complaining. I will have to see how they hold up through two classes a week. 

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hello! I need to learn more about this art journaling I keep hearing about. :-)