My parents were gracious enough to buy our entire immediate family tickets to have Thanksgiving dinner at the Amicalola Falls Lodge. A huge buffet of turkey, fish, pork, dressing, potatoes, greens, squash, and green beans. Out in the hallway was a small salad bar, fruit, pasta salads, bread, and boiled shrimp. On the dessert table was pumpkin pie, chocolate pie, cheesecake, apple cake, and brownies. All of us were very full after this meal. It was great, no planning, cleaning or cooking involved. Just go in and eat then leave to have some fun.

While waiting to be seated we visited the veranda to look at the scenic views.

This is my dad and niece. Danielle actually works at the lodge while going to college and had to work today. Luckily she worked as a hostess and we were able to visit with her some.

My mom, Grace and nephew.

Hubby and Travis.

Papa bought Grace a very cute stuffed bear from the gift shop. Grace loves any little time she gets to spend with her brother.

It is hard to see but this is the lodge on the top of the mountain where we ate.

After our delicious lunch we decided to walk around the park to get rid of some of the calories and to take in some more beautiful sites. This is a very famous waterfall in the state of Georgia, Amicalola Falls. The temps were great, mid 60s.

This is at the bottom of the trail. The reflection pond and the falls at the top of the picture.

And for a little nature, a snake seen on the trail.
Nice - except for the snake.
Sounds like a wonderful day!
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