Picture Study has always been one of those things I wanted to do but just didn't seem to get around to it or since I do not know much about art history we just kind of fumbled through it. That all changed this year when Simply Charlotte Mason started offering Picture Study Portfolios. I purchased two a couple of months ago and it has mad our lives so much easier. We spend 10-15 minutes one day a week doing Picture Study. For the past five weeks we have used the portfolio of Rembrandt. What I love so much about this is you are given multiple paintings to choose from and discussion points about each painting.

This is our artist study wall. Each Friday we add a new painting to the wall. Typically with Picture Study you study one artist's work for 6 weeks but I really enjoy looking at all the paintings and getting to know each particular artist, so we will use all the paintings provided in the portfolio before moving on to another artist. Below are my two favorites so far:

Jacob Blessing Joseph's Second Son

The Return of the Prodigal Son
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