Friday, June 11, 2010

Mask Workshop

We look forward every year to the summer reading program at our library. For the past two months Grace has been volunteering at the library once a week so she gets to help some with the program. One of the best parts about the program is all the workshops they have and all the people they bring in to do programs. Today was a mask workshop for 4th grade and up.

1 comment:

Tracy S said...

Hi Diane,
I just spent a few minutes catching up on your blog! WOWWWW!! So much has been going on! LOVE the artwork by Grace....the dragons are great! She is truly talented! Your post about dreams.....ohhhh I hear you so much! There is so much we want to do, but like most people, have that debt looming over us! So we are making progress in that area to open up funds for our dreams. I wish there was a way we could as a family work together at home. We have considered many things. Lately I feel God impressing upon me to study more about natural healing. This has been a feeling for over a year, but could not find the right program and modality. But now I feel it has been presented to me....there is an online course for homeopathy that will take 3-5 years, but is affordable and geared towards everything I believe. I have prayed about this for so long. All I can say is continue to pray and God will show you the way at the right time. I am not a patient person, but have learned that God is good and in His time will answer our prayers. Many blessings!