I guess I will start with yesterday. Got back to some summer schooling yesterday morning. Reviewing fractions, reading, grammar, Bible, and writing. About 1 1/2 hours worth of work. Mostly review stuff and work to keep our minds fresh. In the afternoon we went bowling with the home school group and had a good time. After dinner Grace and her dad went to the park to practice volleyball. Grace is preparing for a volleyball camp in July.
Today had to take my mom for an appointment at Emory. Last week she had a CT scan and blood work performed, so this week was for the results. If I had not mentioned before she had to come off the chemo pills because of too many side effects, with high blood pressure being the worst and unable to control it. She also came down with shingles about three weeks ago. But even with the shingles this is the best she has felt in probably 1 1/2 years. Ct scan showed growth in the spots that are on her lung, but we are only talking millimeters in difference. The growth in the neck and on the adrenal gland are stable with no changes. We discussed and decided to table further treatments until we do another CT scan in September. This is a very slow growing cancer and it won't hurt to wait and see. Mom has gained 7 pounds back since being off the chemo drugs. Her and dad are going on vacation at the end of July to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Grace went to stay with a friend today and go swimming while we were gone. Tired from driving but glad that there will be no treatments for a while and not driving back until September.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
What we are Reading and Costumes
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Library Fun
Friday, June 25, 2010
Art Camp
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Lego Quest Challenge
Raising Chickens
We have close friends that have chickens and it is always fun to go over and see the baby chicks and watch all their funny behaviors. I have been waiting on farm fresh eggs from them for a while now but her husband has decided to breed and sell, so no eggs to sell to me. This put another thought in our heads. I posted earlier about all the problems with gardening in our yard. Started contemplating other ways we could work toward a more self sustaining life. Chickens have always intrigued me. I thought it was going to take a lot of talking for my husband to agree, but low and behold, today he announced that he wanted to rework the backyard to accommodate chickens. Due to wildlife and neighborhood dogs (remember bunny) they can not be free range. We will have to build a run, hutch, nesting boxes, etc. The whole works. Hubby seems to feel like he has most of the materials already available here at the house and will need to buy very little. I am thinking we will probably start some on this project this weekend. The first item we need to tackle is tearing down a low deck that was used for two years around an above ground pool that is starting to rot and burn it. Then we have lots of ground cover pebbles to move and patio pavers to reposition to make a path up to and around the chicken area. At this point I am just looking at hens for egg production. But if Grace has any say in the matter she wants to eventually have a rooster and babies. We will see how it all goes. I will be sure to include pictures along the way, etc.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Something from Me, Something from Grace
Monday, June 21, 2010
Produce Visit
As many of you have read in past posts, the garden thing just isn't working out - not enough sun. Hence no produce. And the squirrels keep demolishing the strawberries. We live in a small town - no farmer's markets. Only one big fruit stand and they ship stuff in it is not grown on their property except the corn. What to do? Well, there is a small produce store in our town and some of the items are home grown and some are shipped in. Today me and Grace took a visit and bought these items:
Strawberries - 1 pack
Blueberries - 1 pack, going to make home made muffins tomorrow
Bananas - 1 bunch
Head of lettuce
Apples - 5 large golden delicious
Free Range Eggs - Can't remember if 18 or 24
Huge Dill Pickled for Grace's snack this afternoon.
Red Seedless Grapes
Grand Total 18.00
I thought that was pretty good. Should last us most of the week.
Strawberries - 1 pack
Blueberries - 1 pack, going to make home made muffins tomorrow
Bananas - 1 bunch
Head of lettuce
Apples - 5 large golden delicious
Free Range Eggs - Can't remember if 18 or 24
Huge Dill Pickled for Grace's snack this afternoon.
Red Seedless Grapes
Grand Total 18.00
I thought that was pretty good. Should last us most of the week.
Weekend Fun
Friday - Grace had a friend over then went to the friend's house to spend the night. Hubby and I got to go on a date night. Mickey Pigs for dinner and looking around the book store.
Saturday - Grace and hubby got up early and went to the river to swim, pan for gems and gold and generally just have a good time. We finished reading the second book in the Percy Jackson series and enjoyed it very much. She like me to read it because I do the voices, etc. When I finish a chapter its just one more please..... How can you say no to that. In the evening the whole family got together at LongHorn's to celebrate my parent's 50th wedding anniversary and Father's Day. Great food and fun times. After dinner everyone went back to their house to play cards.
Sunday - Attended church and went out to lunch. Did you notice a trend here - lots of eating out this weekend. Hubby and Grace again went to the river for a couple of hours. We started readed the first couple of chapters from The Titan's Curse - really enjoying it so far. Grace did alot of drawing and started reading Illustrated Classics of Jane Eyre.
Saturday - Grace and hubby got up early and went to the river to swim, pan for gems and gold and generally just have a good time. We finished reading the second book in the Percy Jackson series and enjoyed it very much. She like me to read it because I do the voices, etc. When I finish a chapter its just one more please..... How can you say no to that. In the evening the whole family got together at LongHorn's to celebrate my parent's 50th wedding anniversary and Father's Day. Great food and fun times. After dinner everyone went back to their house to play cards.
Sunday - Attended church and went out to lunch. Did you notice a trend here - lots of eating out this weekend. Hubby and Grace again went to the river for a couple of hours. We started readed the first couple of chapters from The Titan's Curse - really enjoying it so far. Grace did alot of drawing and started reading Illustrated Classics of Jane Eyre.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Civil War Unit
It has taken me some time to really stop and think what I wanted Grace to learn about The Civil War. I had some books here in our personal library that I knew I wanted to use, but also checked out many books to go through and pick out the best. That is exactly what I did today. It is looking like this unit will probably take the better part of 6-8 weeks to complete, but I feel it is worth it. The Civil War was such a tragic time in our country's history. This is what I have come up with so far:
Read Alouds
Across Five Aprils
Abraham's Battle
Clara Barton Founder of the American Red Cross
Books Grace Will Read Independently
If you Lived at the Time of the Civil War
Robert E. Lee
The Story of Fort Sumter
Library of Congress Book - Civil War
Kids During the American Civil War
The Gettysburg Address in Translation
Graphic Novel Abraham Lincoln
Ghosts of the Civil War
Items to Discuss
Civil War Generals - Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, William T. Sherman
Major Battles - Fort Sumter, Battle of Bull Run, Gettysburg, Sherman's March to the Sea
Lincoln's Assassination
Activities, Videos and Field Trips
Watch parts of Gone With the Wind
Cut and Assemble a Southern Plantation
Visit the Cyclorama in Atlanta
Add all important figures and battles to our Book of Centuries
Color in maps showing Confederate and Union States
Visit a Civil War Battlefield
Read Alouds
Across Five Aprils
Abraham's Battle
Clara Barton Founder of the American Red Cross
Books Grace Will Read Independently
If you Lived at the Time of the Civil War
Robert E. Lee
The Story of Fort Sumter
Library of Congress Book - Civil War
Kids During the American Civil War
The Gettysburg Address in Translation
Graphic Novel Abraham Lincoln
Ghosts of the Civil War
Items to Discuss
Civil War Generals - Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, William T. Sherman
Major Battles - Fort Sumter, Battle of Bull Run, Gettysburg, Sherman's March to the Sea
Lincoln's Assassination
Activities, Videos and Field Trips
Watch parts of Gone With the Wind
Cut and Assemble a Southern Plantation
Visit the Cyclorama in Atlanta
Add all important figures and battles to our Book of Centuries
Color in maps showing Confederate and Union States
Visit a Civil War Battlefield
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Literature Choices for the New Year
Grace is totally fascinated with The Lord of the Rings movies and her and her dad have watched them many times together. I thought she might enjoy reading the series from the beginning. I purchased most of these books last night when me and hubby went out on a date. The book store is usually a popular destination for date night after a great dinner. When Grace saw all the purchases she was just thrilled with what I had chosen for the new year.
Grace also loves the Percy Jackson series and anything that has to do with Greek Mythology. We are reading through this series at night just for fun and have three books to finish before starting on his new series The Red Pyramid about the Egyptian gods.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Home Ec Program
As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I have created a small Home Ec program for our new school year. Grace is 11 and needs to start learning some skills for later in life and skills that she can use now. The topics I chose are very simplistic and as each year comes and goes I will continue creating new programs with more topics. We will only be doing Home Ec once a week unless she just really enjoys it and wants to add more days. Here is the table of contents so far:
- Egg Cookery - all about eggs and how to cook them
- Etiquette
- How to Cook Chicken and safety concerns with handling chicken
- Table Setting
- Casserole Dishes
- Quick Breads - muffins, banana bread, difference between baking soda and powder
- Laundry
- Ironing
- Health and Fitness - importance of healthy foods and exercise
- First Aid
It will probably take us most of the year to get through these concepts. The Egg, Casserole, and Quick Breads sections have multiple dishes to cook before you move on to the next chapter. Looking forward to helping her learn to be more independent.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Creating - Getting Back on Track
I have three projects in the works for Christmas presents. Need to keep cracking at those too. Learning some new crochet patterns but still need some help on that. Probably have to contact my friend Kelly again to help me finish another square.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Play Practice and Summer School
Last night we went to another play practice for Wizard of Oz. Last night's practice focused on the people of Oz and the Emerald City. We got to meet the actors that will be playing Dorothy, Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion. They are going to be great. The young woman playing Dorothy sounds so much like Judy Garland did in the movie. Grace is getting very excited about participating in the community theater and performing with adults as well as kids. In July there will only be 8 nights out of the entire month that we won't be at the theater practicing and performing. But as I have said before, this is her passion and I am just going to let her go for it. Summer school is going well for us also. Today we are working on grammar, math, Bible, Gold Rush book, Little House book and a book I printed from the Internet, Among the Forest People for her to use for a little bit of independent reading during the day. At night she read her own book of choice. I think sometime this week we will pick back up on our nature studies. I was very impressed with the work she is doing in her grammar book right now. Today was a review over everything we have learned in the past couple of months - she had to pick out prepositional phrases, subjects, compound subjects, verbs, helping verbs, compound verbs, adverbs, infinitives, subjects from imperative sentences, and knowing not to include the word not in verb phrases. All of these were mixed up in about 15 sentences with 4-5 answers in each sentence and she only missed three in a possibility of about 30-45 totals answers. Very proud of her. Loving Easy Grammar which has made this all very easy to understand and three day a week practice.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Weekend Happenings
The past few days have been kind of a whirlwind. Scott worked lots of extra hours this week due to inventory. Grace spent the night with friends on Friday night (pizza, ice cream. fire fly catching, swimming, etc.), she had a great time. Saturday was Art Festival day for Scott. The temperature and humidity was stifling. Me and Grace were only able to stay a little while before the heat and flies drove us to leave for home. Didn't make alot of money, but hubby was happy with the interactions he made with festival guests. Scott really treats this as a ministry and lots of his art work is religious in nature but with subtle undertones. Usually the art itself brings about conversations that lead to his testimony. Today was church and Grace brought a friend home. After some much needed yard work Scott will take them to the river to swim and hunt for creatures. I on the other hand started yesterday with some much needed deep cleaning and decluttering of the house. Yesterday I worked on my bedroom, closet and attic space. Tomorrow will be taking items to Sharing and Caring. Trying to decide at the moment which room to tackle next. Probably the school room and family room.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Great Giveaway
There is a great giveaway at www.raisinghomemakers.com. Giveaway includes a book by Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin, "So Much More". Also included in the giveaway are two CDs. These materials are so timely for raising daughters these days. Please go take a peek and enter to win.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Mask Workshop
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Rachel Ray Bakeware Giveaway
I happened upon this great giveaway and wish to share it with everyone. Please follow the link for an entire bakeware set from Rache Ray. www.countryblossom.blogspot.com.
I've been thinking alot lately about the future and living a simple life. I know that homeschooling thoughts take up alot of space on this blog but that doesn't mean that my mind isn't racing with other things. We have tried the gardening thing for two years now and nothing will grow here. Probably because we are surrounded by woods and just don't get enough sun. Even tried container gardening on our front deck, still nothing. I think I might have to rethink some future self sufficient ideas. Our son is very interested in building a wind turbine to use for some electrical issues - luckily we live in the Ga. Mountains so we do get a little more wind than others in the state. But still don't know if it would work well enough. Have looked at solar but again we live in the woods - would require alot of clearing that we really don't want to do. We only live on an acre of land which makes it hard to have animals, like cows, goats, chickens, etc. Another problem is our well is only 45 ft. down which limits where you could put any animals you might acquire. Chickens are probably a real possibility especially since we are no longer buying feed for bunny, we could delegate that money to chickens. I am sure that hubby has plenty of supplies to actually build the coop. Since the incidence with bunny the chickens would need to be housed all the time to keep from neighborhood dogs. Next in the thought bank is something my husband brought up and that is making our own trout pond in the front yard. We have a big island area in our front yard that is not used for anything that would be perfect to create a big pond and breed trout. But the biggest thought in my mind right now is how to bring my husband home to work in town or from home. You see, since we moved up here my husband has had to travel 1 hour and 15 minutes each way to work 5 days a week. Until recently he was only working 4 days a week which gave him more time to work on his art. Now he has lost that. This week has been a whirlwind of trying to finish projects for a big Arts Festival this weekend. Meaning coming home from work around 6 and going straight to his studio to work. It would be great if he could work here in town somewhere and us live on less. I am so enamored by the home school families that have businesses of their own to support the family and work together. I watched something last night about this on The Home School Channel TV and haven't been able to get it off my mind. We have debt we need to pay off first and some more simplistic living we need to practice before being able to accomplish any of these future goals. Well, I guess thats enough to ponder about today.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Random Stuff
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
More Art Work
Monday, June 7, 2010
Frog Sitting, Birthdays and A Magic Show
Today was the opening activity for our local library's summer program. Every year they start off with a magic show. It was really good. Brought mom along with us. Went out to lunch and by Walmart for Grace to spend some of the birthday money that was burning a hole in her pocket. She bought some flip flops and a game for her DS.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Gold Museum and Gem Grubbing
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Summer School
This week we are doing three days of school about 1 1/2 hours each day. Each week will probably be different days because of a loaded summer schedule. Mostly we are doing these things:
- Finish reading By the Shores of Silver Lake
- Finish reading Young Brahms
- Started two books on the California Gold Rush
- Easy Grammar
- Math Review Worksheets
- Bible
- Fantasy Literature Writing
- Activities related to the library summer reading programs
I hope to do a post soon on the Fantasy Literature Writing notebook that we bought from a used book sale and some of the activities from the summer reading programs. So far we have joined two library programs and hope to join one more at the big library.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Grammar - Land
I was reading a blog this morning that I routinely go and visit - most recent post is about Language Arts choices, what has worked and what hasn't worked. She included a link to Google Books for a free download of "Grammar - Land" by M.L. Nesbitt. It is a story about all things grammar put into a sort of fairy tale. Looks very interesting. Then she also included a link to worksheets that another blogger has put together for the book. The new blog I found with the worksheets is www.dontneednoeducation.blogspot.com. There are so many other treasures on this blog. I have added it to my favorites also. Looking forward to reading Grammar - Land for the new school year.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
New Website
Just came across a new website that promises to be very interesting. I fail miserably at teaching my daughter home making skills. I come from the school of - If I want it done right I just do it myself. But I know that thought process is not doing any good for my daughter. Hopefully this website will help me out. It just kicked off today. When you have a chance check it out: www.raisinghomemakers.com.
Projects Over the Weekend
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