Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Day 2012

Sorry about the picture overload. My sister surprised the two youngest with Furbys. They are actually very cute and you can download an app to do things with them. 

I cannot believe how old this kid has gotten. Twenty - two years have gone by in a flash.  I am so proud of him. Moving out in under two weeks, it will be so weird not having him in the house.

Mom, dad, sis and me. 

This girl cracks me up.

Even at 13 my baby is growing up too.

The whole gang. This is the first complete family pic we have had in years.

My sister thought this would be a great group photo. 

Hubby, me, Travis and Grace. 

Again, where does the time go.


Erin D - The Usual Mayhem said...

What a great bunch of photos! I especially love the moustache one, and the group shot. You have a lovely family, Diane!

Nicole said...

What a beautiful family! I love seeing photos of my friends! You are lovely, Diane!!! (And your husband is pretty cute! ** wink **). Sounds like you had a great Christmas. Enjoy your last few days off.


Melany aka Supermom said...

So glad you had a good Christmas!