Sunday, December 30, 2012

Learning to Let Them Grow Up

Well yesterday was the day. The day I had been dreading for the last four years. I knew it was coming, but continued to live in denial. My baby, my first born, my only son ...... moved out yesterday. He still has to come back and do some cleaning of his old room and move the last little bits of items to his new place, but it is a done deal. He has been talking about it for the past year so you think I would have been totally prepared. He has two really great guys for room mates and he really needs this stand of independence. Of course Grace has wanted his room for eons, it has a private bathroom. Now she will get her wish. Next week starts the gutting process of changing out paint, etc. to change from a boy's room to a girl's room. I will miss my boy but he is a great son and I am very proud of him. Working full time for the past four years, has a really good job, and a good head on his shoulders. Still......what will I do without our daily conversations when he comes home from work? or just knowing he is here. I know he will have a great time living on his own, spreading his wings so to speak. I will continue to pray that God watches over him and keeps him safe.


Erin D - The Usual Mayhem said...

I'm misting up on your behalf here - I dread the day my oldest moves out! I'm sure your son'll do great, though.

You and Grace must be having fun picking paint colours, etcetera!

Deb said...


Poor Diane! What a bittersweet day. I have exacted a promise from my daughter to stay with mama forever, but my son refuses to give me one. Darn it.

Nicole said...

Yes, hard days! You are so excited for them but just absolutely torn up inside. He'll do great .. and you will ALWAYS be his mama! He may think he'll function fine without you. But, his heart will always be right next to you. Without a doubt!!


Melany aka Supermom said...

I am already dreading that day and my eldest is only 12!

Unknown said...

Thanks everybody for all your kind words. I do miss him already but know this is just the circle of life. Started cleaning the room yesterday. Tomorrow is painting day. Grace is super excited.

Traci's Teaching Times said...

As Moms we all know that growing up is a part of life, but some how our mind just doesn't seem to want to let go of our baby. I am not looking forward to the day when one of mine flys from the nest. Hope you and Grace enjoy the remodeling.

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

So sweet that you have such a wonderful relationship. I hope he does fantastic! Happy for Grace - I'm sure she's excited about the move. :)