Sweet Bella had to be put down today. She was progressively going down hill each day and today was so weak couldn't stand up anymore. It was best for her. After we finish with the Alice in Wonderland production in the beginning of April we hope to get a couple more bantams that will be in their own coop.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for Grace.
You did the right thing.
Oh Honey, I am so sorry. )))HUGS((( Mal
Okay, I have to ask - don't hate me - is she going to end up on your table for dinner? I'm serious, I really want to know. I think that is one drawback to pets that are also for food. You get attached....
Bella was a bantam - too small for eating. Also she was full of infection which wouldn't be a good candidate for the dinner table. We only have chickens for the eggs.
Ha, see how little I know about chickens! Makes sense. I'm still praying my son outgrows his egg allergy one day so we can actually eat eggs. It's not looking like that will happen though, he's 6 and still deathly allergic. :(
I'm sorry, Diane. That must have been upsetting.
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