Last night hubby put this together for us in anticipation of.......

These little cuties. Today we purchased 6 Buff Orpington hens to Grace to raise. They will go into a different coop and run than the hens and rooster we already own. We acquired our last flock at 4 mths of age and they immediately went outside to their coop. This time Grace will be able to see the whole process. These girls are just 5 days old. After we finish our gardening unit for science in a couple of weeks the remainder of the school year will be taken up with raising chickens and butterflies. Grace will be recording their growth for her science. Looking forward to eggs maybe in September before time changes right about the time the other flock will stop laying due to molting.
Awe Doncha just love babies?
Looks like great science! I have the slides of chick embryo development if you want to borrow them. So it wasn't a picture of Mike or a ferret?!
So sweet! Love those little fuzzy bodies!
Buffs have to be favourite heritage breed. They are so quiet and pretty. I hope Grace enjoys them.
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