Saturday, March 20, 2010

Container Gardening

Seedlings progress so far. This has spinach, lettuce, and romaine.As I have mentioned before we live in the woods, not much sunlight, not great for gardening. We have tried gardening in the yard, nothing happens. So this year we decided to try our hand at container gardening. This is Scott's version. Anything he does includes wood in some fasion. In these containers will be spinach, lettuce, romaine, peppers, tomatoes, sugar snap peas, a few herbs, and strawberries.

I went ahead and purchased one blueberry bush and one strawberry plant to see how things go. They each require 6 or more hours of sunlight a day. Our front porch receives the most sun so I thought we would give it a go.


Kelly Rhoades said...

Hey Diane! I have a name for you for cheap $2, blueberry bushes, for that one to produce you need a pollinator of a different variety. I bought 10 and it's pollinator for $23 from the local source.

legendswife said...

Wow, I don't know how I missed this post, but I love the idea of potting plants. My husband and I are currently building, so no garden this year. But now you've given me a great idea:) Thanks!

God Bless