Thursday, December 30, 2010
Day Before New Year's Eve
Couldn't really think of another title, so that one will have to do. Not much went on today. Me and Grace did get out for a 40 minute walk to get us moving, that makes three days this week that we did some moving. Got to see the new piglet up the road from us, incredibly cute. Grace went to an art class this afternoon, starting a section on the basic of drawing portraits. I did go online and found to small books about drawing comics and perspective that we will add to the school day and two Bible studies. Tonight I went out with other moms from our home school group for dinner. I think we just about closed the restaurant. Lots of talking and laughing. Hubby and Travis spent all day out looking for a new car for Travis. Not alot of luck. He wants a Jeep Liberty. Travis has been without his own car for the last 7 weeks, since he broke down and became unfixable. Everyone is ready for him to get a new one. Errands to run tomorrow and more exercising. Probably going to my parents for a pizza dinner and cards. Won't be ringing in the New Year, more than likely asleep by 11:00. Hubby has to get up early and go to work on Saturday. No partying around here.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Frugal Clothes Shopping
Monday, December 27, 2010
I got me some of those. Isn't this the time of year to declare your goals for the New Year? Almost afraid to mention them, setting myself up for failure. There are two main goals I want to set for the New Year:
Get Moving - Exercise has just not been at the top of mine and Grace's priority list and you can tell. Packing the pounds on to say the least. Both of us really need to get ourselves moving. I think some sort of physical activity would be good for us maybe four times a week. If we can get that established and to become a good habit we may be able to do it more.
Stop Spending - We really spend more than we should. It's not like we have electronics and stuff galore, but we do spend too much. Our biggest culprit is eating out and convenience foods from the grocery store. I would bet that we spend between 400-500 dollars each month for groceries and maybe 200.00 a month on eating out. Again we are not going to big time restaurants, mostly fast food. Not good for us and money we don't need to be spending. I really feel we should try having no spend weeks during each month. The only thing allowed will be gas for the car. Still thinking on how to accomplish this. Also want to pay down some of our debt, mostly vehicle.
Get Moving - Exercise has just not been at the top of mine and Grace's priority list and you can tell. Packing the pounds on to say the least. Both of us really need to get ourselves moving. I think some sort of physical activity would be good for us maybe four times a week. If we can get that established and to become a good habit we may be able to do it more.
Stop Spending - We really spend more than we should. It's not like we have electronics and stuff galore, but we do spend too much. Our biggest culprit is eating out and convenience foods from the grocery store. I would bet that we spend between 400-500 dollars each month for groceries and maybe 200.00 a month on eating out. Again we are not going to big time restaurants, mostly fast food. Not good for us and money we don't need to be spending. I really feel we should try having no spend weeks during each month. The only thing allowed will be gas for the car. Still thinking on how to accomplish this. Also want to pay down some of our debt, mostly vehicle.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Snow, Snow and More Snow
We left Pigeon Forge about 11:00 this morning and arrived home in Georgia at a little after 4:00. That is actually pretty good time. Normally this is a three hour trip, but the roads in Tennessee and North Carolina were awful. There was a couple of times I thought maybe we should of gotten stuck in our cabin in Pigeon Forge. Once we crossed the Georgia state line it was much easier. It is snowing here too, and predicted to be anywhere from 4-8 inches. That is alot for this area. Just so glad to be home and not stuck out on the road somewhere. God is so good! I didn't have a chance to say it earlier, but hoping all my bloggy friends are having a very Merry Christmas!
Christmas Morning and Happenings at the Cabin
Friday, December 24, 2010
Snow Tubing and Fun
This is What I Got For Christmas
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
It is Getting Close
Christmas that is. Just enjoying the Holiday season around here. Yesterday Scott took us to lunch at Chili's and Grace got to use a gift card that her grandmother gave her for Christmas. Today we woke up early to help fill 1300 bags of food to be given out tomorrow to needy families. After filling the bags Grace went home with some friends and played the new Kinect game most of the morning. Me and Scott brought pizza over for lunch and we all just visited. This afternoon cleaning house, computer time and some TV watching. Also lots of baking. Something very interesting happened yesterday - our young rooster finally crowed for the first time. Very exciting. Looking forward to having baby chicks in the spring. The next two days will be very busy getting ready to go on our big Christmas adventure. More to come about the adventure. Hope everyone is having a very Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Life Has Returned to Normal
At least in blog land. I got my computer back yesterday. It was down about a week and a half but seemed like a life time. I know need to get back in the habit of checking my favorite blogs and writing on mine. Now time for a little catch up:
Yesterday performed in the adult musical at our church, went very well. I have always loved performing in a choir. I did it for two years in high school and for the last five or six at our church. We have a small church so normally the choir comes together just for a Christmas and Easter program. Went out to lunch after church with my sister, her family and my mother. Good time was had by all. Grace went home with my sister afterward and stayed at their house for the afternoon. Thursday was our last day of school, now on Christmas Break. So nice to just do what we want each day and not have school looming over us. Grace is over the moon that she has two weeks off from school. Travis finished up his college classes for the quarter with a B in his math class, not sure yet what his grade is in the computer class. He has had a run of bad luck lately. His car died (cracked motor) about 5 weeks ago. Decided it wasn't worth putting in the 800-1500 to get it fixed, so has been selling it for parts to various people from Ebay, craigslist and various BMW forums. Hoping to save enough money for a down payment on a new car in January. In the meantime having to use his dad's car. Luckily with Scott's new three day work week this is very doable. Travis' IPhone also died and was now out of warranty. So he had to buy a new phone also. You know young people, their cell phone is everything these days. Travis already gave me my Christmas present present, a Blackberry Curve cell phone. I had been using an ancient phone for a couple of years. Great new phone, loving it. Today planning on using a gift card to go out to lunch with Scott and Grace and do a little walking around the stores. Also getting ready to leave for our destination Christmas in a few days with the rest of our family. I should mention how great HP was about fixing my computer and getting it back to me so fast without any charges. So great to be able to watch live streaming video again without the computer overheating. On the list today is buying one of those lap pads to sit my computer on so it is not sitting on my lap all the time, which is my choice spot for working on the computer.
Yesterday performed in the adult musical at our church, went very well. I have always loved performing in a choir. I did it for two years in high school and for the last five or six at our church. We have a small church so normally the choir comes together just for a Christmas and Easter program. Went out to lunch after church with my sister, her family and my mother. Good time was had by all. Grace went home with my sister afterward and stayed at their house for the afternoon. Thursday was our last day of school, now on Christmas Break. So nice to just do what we want each day and not have school looming over us. Grace is over the moon that she has two weeks off from school. Travis finished up his college classes for the quarter with a B in his math class, not sure yet what his grade is in the computer class. He has had a run of bad luck lately. His car died (cracked motor) about 5 weeks ago. Decided it wasn't worth putting in the 800-1500 to get it fixed, so has been selling it for parts to various people from Ebay, craigslist and various BMW forums. Hoping to save enough money for a down payment on a new car in January. In the meantime having to use his dad's car. Luckily with Scott's new three day work week this is very doable. Travis' IPhone also died and was now out of warranty. So he had to buy a new phone also. You know young people, their cell phone is everything these days. Travis already gave me my Christmas present present, a Blackberry Curve cell phone. I had been using an ancient phone for a couple of years. Great new phone, loving it. Today planning on using a gift card to go out to lunch with Scott and Grace and do a little walking around the stores. Also getting ready to leave for our destination Christmas in a few days with the rest of our family. I should mention how great HP was about fixing my computer and getting it back to me so fast without any charges. So great to be able to watch live streaming video again without the computer overheating. On the list today is buying one of those lap pads to sit my computer on so it is not sitting on my lap all the time, which is my choice spot for working on the computer.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Computer Troubles
Sent my computer to HP to be repaired (still under warranty) and won't have it back for a few more days. Probably won't be putting up many posts until it is back. Hoping everyone is having a great Holiday Season.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Brutal Cold
Down here in the South we just don't see this kind of weather and especially not at a sustained pace. The entire month of December has been cold. Temps ranging from the teens to the thirties every night. We are going through the wood like crazy in our wood stove. This morning went down to 14 and had to light up the big daddy stove that runs us out of the house pretty quick. It jumped 10 degrees in the house in less than 30 minutes with running the big stove. Which is why we don't use it very often. Tonight the temp is to dip down to 9. I don't know that I have ever seen it go that low before. Glad Scott is home from work over the next four days to help with all the cold weather stuff. Was worried about the chickens last night but like little troopers they are all out there eating and scratching around. I think I am ready for Spring to come.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Books and Things Seminar
Over the past few night I have been viewing The Books and Things Seminar from Simply Charlotte Mason. At $33.00 it is a great deal. This is the fourth seminar I have watched from Simply Charlotte Mason and it is probably my favorite. There are four discs and I spread them out over three nights so I could really let the information sink in. The seminar is broke up into four sessions: Choosing Books, Using Books, Using Things, and Four Ways to Destroy Your Child's Desire for Knowledge. Very enlightening seminar. Full of wonderful information for us CMers out there. Plus loads of encouragement. In the first session Sonya Scafer discussed Characteristics of Living Book and Finding Living Books. Second session involved How Charlotte Mason Used Books and Five Key Points. One of the most fascinating pieces of information in this session for me was learning how many books Charlotte used in a term and how many pages a day were read by each student. Session Three Consisted of discussing things other than books that we use to teach our children, such as : Physical Exercise, Handicrafts, Nature Study, Art, and items used in science experiments. Session four enlightened us in the four way a mother/teacher can squash the child's desire for learning. This is a fabulous seminar for all you CMers out there, but it is really great for anyone teaching a child. As I said before and will continue to say I would pay to watch Sonya Shafer read anything or talk about anything, she is that good.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Few Changes to School Time
I have made a few changes over the past couple of days to when and how we are schooling. Over the past couple of weeks Grace was starting to take advantage of my easy going time schedule each day to get her school work finished. She started taking alot of breaks in between each subject and was not finishing until sometimes 3:00 in the afternoon. No attention to her work or desire to get items accomplished without alot of prodding from me. It was just getting unacceptable. So me being the teacher instilled a new rule that all school subjects must finished by 1:00 in the afternoon or she would loose privileges to the TV and Computer for that day. This new rule has worked wonders, today we were even finished by 12:00. With the remainder of the day to do as we wished.
One thing that really sets her back is on the days she needs to do written narration. She just despises it. So I have taken a couple of steps to help remedy this situation. I have allowed her to start typing instead of writing her narrations. This has helped a good bit. Also I ordered the tests for The Story of the World book Vol. 2 that we will be starting in January after Christmas break. We will still do written narrations, but this will alleviate some issues with comprehension issues she may be having.
One thing that really sets her back is on the days she needs to do written narration. She just despises it. So I have taken a couple of steps to help remedy this situation. I have allowed her to start typing instead of writing her narrations. This has helped a good bit. Also I ordered the tests for The Story of the World book Vol. 2 that we will be starting in January after Christmas break. We will still do written narrations, but this will alleviate some issues with comprehension issues she may be having.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Auditions Complete
The audition for our highly anticipated Alice In Wonderland Musical are complete. Over Monday and Tuesday we auditioned 30 students for various parts. Each student was to come prepared with a song to sing and a monologue or poem to recite. Some students were prepared more than others. Some had done the auditioning process before and others this was the first time. Each student also had to tell us three parts they were interested in and we would try to place them in one of their favorites. It was hard. Nobody wanted to be Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. All the girls wanted to be either the Queen of Hearts, Medium Alice or Caterpiller. The drama director and myself were the deciding votes, except for medium Alice. Grace mainly wanted the medium Alice role and I let the director decide on her own for that one. Didn't want any favoritism/bias going on. I am pleased to say that Grace was very prepared for her audition. She chose to sing Gary Indiana from The Music Man and her poem was The Crocodile by Lewis Carroll. She nailed both of them. When I came home last night I was able to tell Grace that she did indeed get the part of medium Alice. The director not only thinks she will be great at the part but she was very complementary of Grace because she always knows her lines and is very dependable. Now we get a few weeks off and then start the grueling process of preparation again on Jan. 10th. The performances won't be until April for Alice.
Monday, December 6, 2010
What I Am Busy With Today
Friday, December 3, 2010
Super Busy
This week has been really crazy busy. School was accomplished Monday - Thursday. The craziness stems from lots of drama rehearsals. Monday was our big dress rehearsals 3:30 - 8:30. Lots was accomplished. Wednesday afternoon held another practice and yesterday (Thursday) was the big day. Arrived for more practice at 3:30, everyone broke for dinner around 5:00, then on to makeup and costumes to prepare for the performance at 7:00. One of our stage hands was running a temp. so I had to step in and help set up all the scenes. This drama group consisted of 6th - 12th graders. They really did a great job. We have one more performance today at 1:30 then we are done for awhile. Of course we do have auditions on Monday and Tuesday of next week for Alice in Wonderland, but practices will not start until after Christmas. On a much sadder note we got word yesterday that my husband's uncle died in a very tragic work related accident. Scott left early this morning for the out of town funeral and probably won't return until some time next week. We are hoping to talk his mother in to coming back with him for a visit to get her mind off of everything that has just happened. She was very close to her brother and this was such a shock for everyone. Her husband died about 12 years ago and she lives alone. Please pray for comfort and understanding for their entire family.
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