Saturday, September 7, 2013

Give A Girl a Birdcage......

Give a girl a birdcage and I am pretty sure she is going to want to fill it with something. This morning our homeschool group held a multi-family yard sale. One of the families brought an entire bird cage setup with a couple of toys to sale for ten dollars. What a steal. I knew that over the past few months Grace had been hinting around about how fun it would be to own some birds. Well, in a moment of weakness I purchased the equipment. We do have a very small pet store in our small town and Grace really wanted parakeets. I am partial to finches. As a young married couple before children we had finches. I mostly remember messes, noise, and babies. Yes, our zebra finches laid lots of eggs and many of them hatched. We routinely had to take clutches of birds and give them to the pet store. Otherwise it would kind of been like a situation with rabbits and mice. They just kept procreating. Anyway we may have a male and female parakeet which means we will again have future eggs and babies. I figured now was a good time to get them with us studying birds all year. Plus Grace has really stepped up to the plate lately with handling all the care of her ferret, Gwen. Now she has more responsibility with the parakeets.


Karen said...

How fun Diane! I know Grace will love this. Can't wait to see how it goes.

Sandra said...

I hope Grace enjoys her birds as much as my MIss 12 enjoys hers.