Today we needed to kill some time between lunch and going to a friend's house to hang out for the afternoon. We decided to peruse a used book store. I found two items that we could use for the remainder of the year. The first is a coloring book of famous paintings. We already have a couple of these put out by Dover Publishing. The difference is this once also has a short bio about the artist for each painting and a description about the painting itself.

We will be studying knights and castles soon enough. Matter a fact going on a field trip in two weeks to see Medieval Times (getting to meet a blog friend at the same time). Couldn't pass up this little kit to use either when we get back from the field trip or when we actually study this time frame in history (a couple of months from now). This kit includes: a castle and catapult to put together, map and chart, proclamation and signet ring, stain glass window and a small game to play. A couple of years ago we had one just like this when we were studying Leonardo da Vinci and loved it.
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