Sunday, May 2, 2010

Queen Homeschool Products

I was excited to see that Queen Homeschool was at our convention again this year. Always love their products. This year I decided to add From Egypt to Canaan book and study guide to our Bible curriculum. Right now we are in the Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament but once we get to the book of Exodus we will take a break and switch over to From Egypt to Canaan. Also purchased the new spelling book we needed. Probably will review on spelling city all this summer the spelling words we learned this past year and then start the new book in July or August. If you are not familiar with Queen Homeschool's products you really need to jump over to their website and take a peek.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane, just wanted to pop in and say thanks for visiting Bugs, Beetles and Barefoot Days. How is your quest for eating more meals from scratch etc going?