Tuesday, October 13, 2009


That dreaded word. Weightloss. Another dreaded word, diet. Don't even get me started on exercise. About three years ago I lost 20 pounds and was happy with that. Since then I have gradually let myself go again. Now it had gotten to the point where I could not fit in to most of my clothes, and I really don't have the money to buy an entire new closet of clothing. So.... three weeks ago I decided it was time to get myself back together. I have lost 7 pounds so far and I am feeling better about myself. The clothes are starting to fit again. I have done it through slim fast and counting calories. The first week was really hard, but I have kind of gotten in to a groove now. I have a bike and treatmill that I have started using the past 1 1/2 weeks. Not every day but at least every other day. The nights are the hardest. I hope to loose about 10 more pounds and I will be done. I will then continue to watch what I put in my mouth each day and not forget how I got there in the first place.

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