Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Curriculum for 2012 - 2013


First off I need to say sorry for mixing the two posts up. So today my readers get to read about curriculum while everyone is posting about planning. Forgive the newbie blog hopper here.

In years past I tended to stick with one company for all of our yearly curriculum purchases. For the past five years that meant mostly Simply Charlotte Mason and Queen Homeschool. This year we decided to go way eclectic with fewer items. Especially with being a part of the TOS Review Crew, so many new to us interesting items show up that we want to use. For new homeschooling moms I can see how hard it would be to pick the curriculum for that first year. My first year I chose an all in one boxed curriculum. After that fiasco I did much research to look for something that fit our family. Going in to our 7th year of homeschooling, I still learn something new every year about what we choose to study. Here is our eclectic choices for this year:

History - Notgrass Company - America The Beautiful

English - Literature choices, Essay Class, Language Lessons from Queen Homeschool, and maybe NaNoWriMo in November.

Math - Math Essentials - Problem Solving, Geometry, and Algebra.

Science - Vintage Remedies for Tweens, Junior Gardner Class, Middle School Biology and Middle School Earth Science.

Logic - Following Directions workbook, and Daily Warm Ups

Reviews - Anything that TOS Review Crew throws at us

Fine Arts - Drama Ministry Team, Drama, Choir, Art, Dance all in one co-op that I will talk about in a couple of days.

I think you can see all the eclectic choices she has to choose from for daily learning experiences. I encourage any families to start out slow, do a lot of research, sit back and see how your kids learn, and pray.

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1 comment:

Eddie said...

Looks great! I think we're hanging onto Math Essentials as well.

I've built time into our schedule for the Homeschool Crew stuff as many great products, so little time! :)