Saturday, March 8, 2014

My Favorite Reasons For Homeschooling

All homeschool families have their reasons for choosing to homeschool. The past 8 years of homeschooling have taught me that every day/month/year is different and to roll with the punches. Here is my list of favorite reasons to homeschool.

  1. Watching Your Child Grow Up - There are so many firsts I would have missed if I had sent my child to school 8 hours a day every day for most of the year. So many discussions we would not have had and a real closeness that we have as a family would not be there.
  2. Adjusting to Each Child's Internal Clock - I have a night owl that has suffered with insomnia for many years. Early mornings just haven't happened over the years. My child learns best after lunch so much of our school work happens in the afternoons, not the mornings. There is just no way that through the years my child could have gotten up at 5:30 each morning to be ready for a bus pick up at 6:45 or even me driving at 7:30.
  3. Strengths and Weaknesses - All children have strengths and weaknesses that sometimes get overlooked. A real weakness for us is math and we get to stick with something as long as it takes before moving on to a new concept. In that same breath art is a major strength and we get to spend so much more time pursuing that sometimes even in place of a more academic subject.
  4. Learning Outside of the Box - Trying many different ways and avenues to teach a hard to follow concept. Using methods that are more relaxed and less structured to accomplish the same tasks.
  5. Strong Family Ties - I touched on this some in the watching your child grow comments but just plain being together more.
  6. Learning Together - I love the fact that I get to relearn so many things and share them with my daughter. Many of these concepts and events from history either I didn't learn or don't remember. We get to share learning about these things together and have many discussions to think it all through.
These are just a few of the thoughts that have been swishing around in my head lately. I feel truly blessed that I am able to spend this time with my child, watch them grow up and become a productive member of society and help shape their little lives into something awesome!


A Candle to Read By said...

Amen, especially to the time that you have been able to spend with her.

Sandra said...

Great list Diane. They are many of my favourite reasons as well.

Ashley said...

Some good things to think about. Thank you for linking up to the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop!