Saturday, June 6, 2015

A Moment of Reflection

"Mindfulness - Theory of achieving joy in life - even in the midst of suffering - is to be mindful; aware, in the moment, and responding with intention."
The Chemistry of Joy by Henry Emmons, M.D.
Lately I have been plugging through five different books on many different topics and this quote from The Chemistry of Joy struck me and I thought I would share. I realize that mindfulness is kind of a Buddhism thing and that is not any direction I'm taking. Christian through and through here, but sometimes, especially when you are fighting unseen demons in your life, other articles and books can touch you just as much.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

For us Christians this can be translated to: to be mindful [of the Holy Spirit and God's love and plan for our lives]; aware [of the Holy Spirit and God's love and plan for our lives], in the moment, and responding with intention [to the Holy Spirit and God's plan for our lives]. I think the key word there is INTENTION! We choose not be be joyful more than we choose to be joyful, especially in difficult circumstances. Hope that you find your joy today!!!
