Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday and Friday = Busy

Thursday and Friday of this week proved to be very busy and time consuming. Not in a bad way, just time consuming. As I wrote before sleeping has not come easy to me in the last 6 nights so I tend to sleep later in the morning to make up the difference. Grace is taking advantage of this. She is a night owl anyway and now tends to stay up as long as I am up. So she sleeps late too. That means school work doesn't get started until 10:30 or 11:00 on those mornings. She can't roll out of bed and start right away with breakfast and work. Thursday I specifically scheduled school work lightly because of this and the fact that she had an art class and drama ministry team practice on the same day. Today I also scheduled lightly. This morning we worked on a math lesson, her Japan project for the upcoming Geography Festival, literature reading and some homework from her chemistry class. After lunch we headed out for our group's first Rec day which consisted of organized games and fellowship. Once Rec Day was finished we meet Grace's friend from drama for dinner and brought her home with us to spend the night. They plan on running lines and practicing Robin Hood plus drama ministry skits most of the night. Looking forward to some quiet time tomorrow to catch up on a few things.

1 comment:

Fran said...

It's fascinating reading about your life and the very different way you do things. I hope you are feeling a bit better, enjoy your weekend and I hope that you are able to chill out x